22nd of February 2021 - 26th of February 2021

senior_infants_22-2-21.pdf |
15th of February 2021 - 17th of February 2021

senior_infants_15-2-21.pdf |
8th of February 2021 - 12th of February 2021

senior_infants_8-2-21.pdf |
1st of February 2021 - 5th of February 2021

senior_infants_1-2-21.docx |
25th of January 2021 - 29th of January 2021

senior_infants_25-1-21.pdf |
18th of January 2021 - 22nd of January 2021

senior_infants_18-1-11.pdf |
15th of June 2020 - 19th of June 2020
Dear Parents and children
I hope you are all keeping well. We have come to the end of the school year. This is our final week’s work as we will be getting our holidays on Monday 22nd June.
It has been a strange and difficult last term for us all and I would like to say well done to everyone for keeping the routine going and supporting your child’s education at home. We didn’t think the school closure would last so long. Hopefully normality will return when we start the new school year.
The final week’s work is mainly finishing books and doing some revision tasks. Try to do as much as you can in this final week of work.
Please continue to encourage your child to read, and read as often as possible to them during the Summer.
We would like to collect any Paired Reading books and class Reader “What a Box” please, so we can have them for the next class in September. It would be great if you could drop the book(s) to the school on Saturday 20th June between 10.30 and 12.30. A teacher will be there to collect them from you.
If you have any questions about the work set please contact me on [email protected].
Wishing you all the best for the Summer holidays and most importantly stay safe.
Kind regards
Nora Perkins
Senior Infants
Normally at this time of year we would be having our School Sports Day so instead of SESE this
week I have included some Physical Activities for your child to do to have an Active Week.
** Remember this is a list of suggested activities so only do as much as you can each day.
Week beginning 15-6-20
Monday 15-6-20
• Reading:Log onto fallons.ie. Click on Primary, Senior Infants, English ,Rainbow Stage 1
Scroll to Core Reader 5 Magic in the Sky. Click on the eye icon beside the book and open the
Read pg. 16,17 together. New words: tired, from, balloon,sky
• Phonics; ( I have included the pdf of phase 3 vowel diagraphs again)
Print pg.4 of pdf of phase 3 vowel diagraph activity. Match “oa” words.
Rhyme of the week : log onto topmarks.co.uk. Type nursery rhymes into search.
Find “One Man went to Mow” and sing it with your child.
Story of the week: We’re Going on a Bear Hunt( youtube if you don’t have the book)
• Handwriting Book pg. 64
• Extra Work: Diary Entry
• Ongoing Maths: Practise writing and adding numbers to 10 as often as possible. Practise
Counting forwards and backwards to 20 ( and higher if you can).
Ask what number comes after/before a given number
• topmarks.co.uk-Each day choose a game we have played in the last few weeks.
• Summer Check –up: A Summer Assessment in Maths for your child to do before the holidays.
Today and tomorrow encourage your child to try and complete the Assessments on their
own. Check it afterwards or you could email it to the teacher’s email and I will check it.
• Print pdfs of Summer Assessments 1 and 2 and do both pages.
folens.ie Abair Liom B : Lesson 28: Ar an Trá ( on the beach)
• Open Comhrá- listen to conversation and practise the following sentences together.
• Your child can test their acting skills by having a go at the Cómhra
Do the Ceisteanna in this section.
• Open Póstaer. Click on Foclóir 1 . Listen to and click on the correct pictures. Say each word
as you click on the picture.
Words to practise: scamall=cloud, gaineamh=sand, caisleán gainimh=sandcastle,
Grianmhar=sunny, buicéad=bucket, spád=spade, liathróid=ball, farraige=sea
Uachtar gréine=suncream
• On Póstaer click on Dán : Lá ar an Trá ( listen to it and say a few times . The words are at
the end of the week’s work)
Active Week Activities
The PDST PE team have created a series of PE at Home videos called Beyond the Classroom
This week in PE at home work on your skipping skills. Look at the skipping skill video and try the 3 activities during the week
Tuesday 16-6-20
• Reading : Log onto fallons.ie. Click on Primary, Senior Infants, English ,Rainbow Stage 1
Scroll to Core Reader 5 Magic in the Sky. Click on the eye icon beside the book and open the
Read pg. 18,19 together. New word: ride Make a sentence with the new word.
• Handwriting pg.65
• Print pg. 5,6 of pdf of phase 3 vowel diagraph activity. Match “oo” words
• Extra work: Diary Entry for Tuesday
• Ongoing Maths: Practise writing and adding numbers to 10 as often as possible. Counting
forwards and backwards to 20 and higher if you can.
• Print pdfs of Summer Assessments 3 and 4
• topmarks.co.uk- choose one of the Maths games to play
Folens.ie Abair Liom B : Lesson 28- Ar an Trá
• Practise Comhrá again.
• Open Póstaer.
Click on Cuardach 1. Click the cursor on different items to hear Irish Sentences.
Try to repeat them.
Practise Foclóir 1 again. Do Taispeáin dom with the pictures and words from
Foclóir 1.
Practise the Dán: Lá ar an Trá
Active Week Activities
Download and print off the pdf of the five senses Scavenger Hunt. Have fun!
Wednesday 17-6-20
Reading: Fallons.ie
Core Reader 5 Magic in the Sky. Read pg.20-22 together.
New words: sea,spy,higher. Make sentences with the new words.
• Handwriting- pg. 70
Diary Entry for Wednesday
• Print pg.3 of pdf of phase 3 vowel diagraph activity. Match “igh” words. Find the “igh”
word in today’s reading. ( igh makes same sound as “ie” )
Extra Work: Diary Entry for Wednesday
• topmarks.co.uk- Chooses a Maths game to play.
• Do practical counting and adding activities during the day .
• Maths Trail: Print pdf of Maths all around me.
Do pg. 1 today.
Folens.ie Abair Liom B : Lesson 28- Ar an Trá
• Open Póstaer and click on Cuardach 2 . Press play and say sentences le chéile (together)
Say the poem
• Click on Amhrán: Ar an Trá ( Listen to and sing the song a few times.
The words are at the end of the week’s work)
• Click on Foclóir 2. Repeat the words as you click on them.
Words to practise:bád=boat, ag snámh=swimming, ag éisteacht=listening, tuáille=towel,
Ag imirt peile=playing football, ag déanamh=making, culaith shnámha=swimming costume.
Active Week Activities
Today download and look at the Yoga poses. Try and copy these poses indoors/outdoors.
Thursday 18-6-20
• Reading: Fallons.ie
Core Reader 5 Magic in the Sky. Read pg.23,24 together.
New words: brown,grass,laughs,sheep,farm,horses. Find the new words on the page.
• Handwriting pg.71
• Print pg.7and 10 of pdf of phase 3 vowel diagraph activity. Match the “ar” and “ow” sounds
What “ar” and “ow” words were in your reading today?
• Extra work: Diary Entry for Thursday
• topmarks.co.uk- Maths game
• Do practical counting and adding activities during the day .
• Maths Trail: pdf of Maths all around me.
Do pg. 2 today.
Folens.ie Abair Liom B : Lesson 28- Ar an Trá
• Click on Cuardach 2. Press play and say sentences le chéile (together) .
• Sing Amhrán and say poem
• Do Foclóir 2 activity again.
Listen to the Scéal. Click on icon “Tráth na gCeist” and answer the questions.
Active Week Activities
Download pdf of Obstacle course. Have a go and try to make your own obstacle course at home. I have also included a pdf of animal movements for your child to try.
Friday 19-6-20
• fallons.ie
Core Reader 5 Magic in the Sky: Read back over pg. 16-24
• Cut up the new words from the word List at the end of this week’s activities.
Play the usual games to practise the new words.
• Handwriting pg. 72- practise capital and lower case letters on the last page.
• Print pg.11 of pdf of phase 3 vowel diagraph activity. Match”oi” words.
**Extra work: If your child has time you could print pdf of end of year activity and
complete using words or pictures.( it might be a nice thing to do at the end of the year)
• topmarks.co.uk- Maths game
• Do practical counting and adding activities during the day .
• Maths Trail: pdf of Maths all around me.
Do pg. 3 today.
Folens.ie Abair Liom B : Lesson 19 or 24( choose a story to listen to)
• Lesson 19: Seán agus an Gas Pónaire( Jack and the Beanstalk)
• Lesson 24 : Hansel agus Gretel( Hansel and Gretel)
• Sing Amhrán and say poem of the week on your own if you can!
Visual Arts
As Sunday is Father’s Day open the link HERE and choose a Father’s Day card to make . Don’t forget to write a message inside to thank Dad for all the wonderful things he does for you. If you can’t access the father’s day handprint card link you could print the pdf of the father’s day selfie and draw a picture of yourself and your dad.
Active Week l Activities ( for Monday)
Our Summer school holidays start on Monday. If you fancy you could download the pdf of Friday challenge cards and have your own sports day in your garden. You could print off the pdf of design a sports day medal activity and your child could design their own medal.
Amhrán;‘Ar an Trá’
Tá na páistí ar an trá,
Ar an trá, ar an trá,
Tá na páistí ar an trá,
Ag súgradh leis an ngaineamh.
Tá Mamaí ins an fharraige,
An fharraige, an fharraige,
Tá Mamaí ins an fharraige,
Is breá le Mamaí snámh.
Dán:‘Lá ar an Trá’
Is maith liom lá
A chaitheamh ar an trá,
An ghrian mhór bhuí
Go hard sa spéir,
Is páistí ag spraoi
Amuigh faoin aer.
Normally at this time of year we would be having our School Sports Day so instead of SESE this
week I have included some Physical Activities for your child to do to have an Active Week.
** Remember this is a list of suggested activities so only do as much as you can each day.
Week beginning 15-6-20
Monday 15-6-20
• Reading:Log onto fallons.ie. Click on Primary, Senior Infants, English ,Rainbow Stage 1
Scroll to Core Reader 5 Magic in the Sky. Click on the eye icon beside the book and open the
Read pg. 16,17 together. New words: tired, from, balloon,sky
• Phonics; ( I have included the pdf of phase 3 vowel diagraphs again)
Print pg.4 of pdf of phase 3 vowel diagraph activity. Match “oa” words.
Rhyme of the week : log onto topmarks.co.uk. Type nursery rhymes into search.
Find “One Man went to Mow” and sing it with your child.
Story of the week: We’re Going on a Bear Hunt( youtube if you don’t have the book)
• Handwriting Book pg. 64
• Extra Work: Diary Entry
• Ongoing Maths: Practise writing and adding numbers to 10 as often as possible. Practise
Counting forwards and backwards to 20 ( and higher if you can).
Ask what number comes after/before a given number
• topmarks.co.uk-Each day choose a game we have played in the last few weeks.
• Summer Check –up: A Summer Assessment in Maths for your child to do before the holidays.
Today and tomorrow encourage your child to try and complete the Assessments on their
own. Check it afterwards or you could email it to the teacher’s email and I will check it.
• Print pdfs of Summer Assessments 1 and 2 and do both pages.
folens.ie Abair Liom B : Lesson 28: Ar an Trá ( on the beach)
• Open Comhrá- listen to conversation and practise the following sentences together.
• Your child can test their acting skills by having a go at the Cómhra
Do the Ceisteanna in this section.
• Open Póstaer. Click on Foclóir 1 . Listen to and click on the correct pictures. Say each word
as you click on the picture.
Words to practise: scamall=cloud, gaineamh=sand, caisleán gainimh=sandcastle,
Grianmhar=sunny, buicéad=bucket, spád=spade, liathróid=ball, farraige=sea
Uachtar gréine=suncream
• On Póstaer click on Dán : Lá ar an Trá ( listen to it and say a few times . The words are at
the end of the week’s work)
Active Week Activities
The PDST PE team have created a series of PE at Home videos called Beyond the Classroom
This week in PE at home work on your skipping skills. Look at the skipping skill video and try the 3 activities during the week
Tuesday 16-6-20
• Reading : Log onto fallons.ie. Click on Primary, Senior Infants, English ,Rainbow Stage 1
Scroll to Core Reader 5 Magic in the Sky. Click on the eye icon beside the book and open the
Read pg. 18,19 together. New word: ride Make a sentence with the new word.
• Handwriting pg.65
• Print pg. 5,6 of pdf of phase 3 vowel diagraph activity. Match “oo” words
• Extra work: Diary Entry for Tuesday
• Ongoing Maths: Practise writing and adding numbers to 10 as often as possible. Counting
forwards and backwards to 20 and higher if you can.
• Print pdfs of Summer Assessments 3 and 4
• topmarks.co.uk- choose one of the Maths games to play
Folens.ie Abair Liom B : Lesson 28- Ar an Trá
• Practise Comhrá again.
• Open Póstaer.
Click on Cuardach 1. Click the cursor on different items to hear Irish Sentences.
Try to repeat them.
Practise Foclóir 1 again. Do Taispeáin dom with the pictures and words from
Foclóir 1.
Practise the Dán: Lá ar an Trá
Active Week Activities
Download and print off the pdf of the five senses Scavenger Hunt. Have fun!
Wednesday 17-6-20
Reading: Fallons.ie
Core Reader 5 Magic in the Sky. Read pg.20-22 together.
New words: sea,spy,higher. Make sentences with the new words.
• Handwriting- pg. 70
Diary Entry for Wednesday
• Print pg.3 of pdf of phase 3 vowel diagraph activity. Match “igh” words. Find the “igh”
word in today’s reading. ( igh makes same sound as “ie” )
Extra Work: Diary Entry for Wednesday
• topmarks.co.uk- Chooses a Maths game to play.
• Do practical counting and adding activities during the day .
• Maths Trail: Print pdf of Maths all around me.
Do pg. 1 today.
Folens.ie Abair Liom B : Lesson 28- Ar an Trá
• Open Póstaer and click on Cuardach 2 . Press play and say sentences le chéile (together)
Say the poem
• Click on Amhrán: Ar an Trá ( Listen to and sing the song a few times.
The words are at the end of the week’s work)
• Click on Foclóir 2. Repeat the words as you click on them.
Words to practise:bád=boat, ag snámh=swimming, ag éisteacht=listening, tuáille=towel,
Ag imirt peile=playing football, ag déanamh=making, culaith shnámha=swimming costume.
Active Week Activities
Today download and look at the Yoga poses. Try and copy these poses indoors/outdoors.
Thursday 18-6-20
• Reading: Fallons.ie
Core Reader 5 Magic in the Sky. Read pg.23,24 together.
New words: brown,grass,laughs,sheep,farm,horses. Find the new words on the page.
• Handwriting pg.71
• Print pg.7and 10 of pdf of phase 3 vowel diagraph activity. Match the “ar” and “ow” sounds
What “ar” and “ow” words were in your reading today?
• Extra work: Diary Entry for Thursday
• topmarks.co.uk- Maths game
• Do practical counting and adding activities during the day .
• Maths Trail: pdf of Maths all around me.
Do pg. 2 today.
Folens.ie Abair Liom B : Lesson 28- Ar an Trá
• Click on Cuardach 2. Press play and say sentences le chéile (together) .
• Sing Amhrán and say poem
• Do Foclóir 2 activity again.
Listen to the Scéal. Click on icon “Tráth na gCeist” and answer the questions.
Active Week Activities
Download pdf of Obstacle course. Have a go and try to make your own obstacle course at home. I have also included a pdf of animal movements for your child to try.
Friday 19-6-20
• fallons.ie
Core Reader 5 Magic in the Sky: Read back over pg. 16-24
• Cut up the new words from the word List at the end of this week’s activities.
Play the usual games to practise the new words.
• Handwriting pg. 72- practise capital and lower case letters on the last page.
• Print pg.11 of pdf of phase 3 vowel diagraph activity. Match”oi” words.
**Extra work: If your child has time you could print pdf of end of year activity and
complete using words or pictures.( it might be a nice thing to do at the end of the year)
• topmarks.co.uk- Maths game
• Do practical counting and adding activities during the day .
• Maths Trail: pdf of Maths all around me.
Do pg. 3 today.
Folens.ie Abair Liom B : Lesson 19 or 24( choose a story to listen to)
• Lesson 19: Seán agus an Gas Pónaire( Jack and the Beanstalk)
• Lesson 24 : Hansel agus Gretel( Hansel and Gretel)
• Sing Amhrán and say poem of the week on your own if you can!
Visual Arts
As Sunday is Father’s Day open the link HERE and choose a Father’s Day card to make . Don’t forget to write a message inside to thank Dad for all the wonderful things he does for you. If you can’t access the father’s day handprint card link you could print the pdf of the father’s day selfie and draw a picture of yourself and your dad.
Active Week l Activities ( for Monday)
Our Summer school holidays start on Monday. If you fancy you could download the pdf of Friday challenge cards and have your own sports day in your garden. You could print off the pdf of design a sports day medal activity and your child could design their own medal.
Amhrán;‘Ar an Trá’
Tá na páistí ar an trá,
Ar an trá, ar an trá,
Tá na páistí ar an trá,
Ag súgradh leis an ngaineamh.
Tá Mamaí ins an fharraige,
An fharraige, an fharraige,
Tá Mamaí ins an fharraige,
Is breá le Mamaí snámh.
Dán:‘Lá ar an Trá’
Is maith liom lá
A chaitheamh ar an trá,
An ghrian mhór bhuí
Go hard sa spéir,
Is páistí ag spraoi
Amuigh faoin aer.
8th of June 2020 - 12th of June 2020
Dear Parents and children
I hope you are all keeping well, and you enjoyed the beautiful weather . I know it must be difficult to get your child to concentrate during this lovely weather but we are very close to the Summer holidays so try to keep the routine going for the last 2 weeks.
As the summer is here and we spend more time at the beach it is important that your child knows some basic water safety skills.
Visit www.teachpaws.ie and help your child learn these skills, which will keep them safe during the Summer months.
Here is this week’s work. As always do not feel under pressure to complete all of it.
Please continue to send in any photos, drawings, art or writing to the website.
Continue to encourage your child to read , and read as often as possible to them.
If you have any questions about the work set please contact me on [email protected].
Wishing you all the best and stay safe.
Kind regards
Nora Perkins
Senior Infants
For extra reading log onto www.oxfordowl.co.uk. You will need to register as a parent first.
When you have registered and logged in, go to Resources for parents.
Click on Browse the eBook Library. There are loads of ebooks for your child to read. Click on the icon Series and find a series you like e.g. Oxford Reading Tree and click on age( either 4-5 or 5-6, depends on the difficulty of the book). There are lots of lovely ebooks here for your child to read if you don’t have access to suitable books at home.
** Remember this is a list of suggested activities so only do as much as you can each day.
Week beginning 8-6-20
Monday 8-6-20
• Reading:Log onto fallons.ie. Click on Primary, Senior Infants, English ,Rainbow Stage 1
Scroll to Core Reader 5 Magic in the Sky. Click on the eye icon beside the book and open the
Read pg. 12 together. New words: holds, ring, stick, cheer through, over. Find the words on the
page and make sentences with the new words.
Now your child can read it on their own. Ask your child questions about the page . Find and
count the capital letters and full stops.
• Phonics; ( I have included the pdf of phase 3 vowel diagraphs again)
Print pg. 2 of pdf of phase 3 vowel diagraph activity.
Read and match the “ee” words to the correct picture.
What “ee” word was in your reading today?
Rhyme of the week : log onto topmarks.co.uk. Type nursery rhymes into search.
Find “A Sailor went to sea,sea,sea” and sing it with your child.
• Handwriting Book pg. 54 - revision of letters Qq, Rr, Ss Tt.
• Diary:
Each day write the day and date and draw a picture of something you did (it could be a
walk, a game you played or a movie you watched) and write a sentence or 2 about it.
Spellings: Go back to your next sheet of Read to the Stars and learn the 5 words each day
for a spelling test on Friday.
** Extra Work: Make sentences with the new words.
• Ongoing Maths: Practise writing and adding numbers to 10 as often as possible. Practise
Counting forwards and backwards to 20 ( and higher if you can).
Ask what number comes after/before a given number
• topmarks.co.uk- find the game Ways to Make ( Addition Bonds)
Each day this week your child will be finding different ways of making numbers to 10
Do the houses for the numbers 5 and 6 today.
• Planet Maths pg. 124- The Jungle. Colour the picture when you have finished.
• Extra Work: In your copy write the number bonds for the numbers 5 and 6.
Use the game from tomarks.co.uk to help you.
e.g. Ways to make 5: 3+2=5, 4+1=5 etc
folens.ie Abair Liom B : Lesson 27: Turas Scoile go dtí an bhFeirm ( school tour to
a farm)
• Open Comhrá- listen to conversation and practise the following sentences together.
• Comhrá
Múinteoir: Cad a chloiseann tú?
Síofra: Cloisim bó agus caora. (mú, bá)
Múinteoir: Cad a chloiseann tú?
Seán: Cloisim capall agus muc. (seitreach, oinc)
** Your child can test their acting skills by having a go at the Cómhra
Do the Ceisteanna in this section.
• Open Póstaer. Click on Foclóir 1 . Listen to and click on the correct pictures. Say each word
as you click on the picture.
Words to practise: feirm=farm, éan=bird, muc=pig, bó=cow, capall=horse,
Caora=sheep, sicín=chicken
• On Póstaer click on Dán : Cuairt ar Fheirm ( listen to it and say a few times . The words are at
the end of the week’s work)
** Practise Cloisim ( I hear) during the week.
You could play the game Cad a chloiseann tú? ( What do you hear?)
Your child closes their eyes and you make different sounds. He/she has to identify
the sound and say “Cloisim ____” ( I hear)
The PDST PE team have created a series of PE at Home videos called Beyond the Classroom
This week in PE at home work on your landing skills. Look at the Landing skill video and try the 3 activities during the week.
Otherwise plenty of exercise outdoors
Tuesday 9-6-20
• Reading : Log onto fallons.ie. Click on Primary, Senior Infants, English ,Rainbow Stage 1
Scroll to Core Reader 5 Magic in the Sky. Click on the eye icon beside the book and open the
Listen to your child read pg. 12 again
Read pg. 13 together. New word: clap. Make a sentence with the new word.
Now your child can read it on their own. Ask your child questions about the page.
Find and count the capital letters. What words rhyme with clap.
• Zeb and Friends Skills Book pg.79. Write a sentence about the 2nd two pictures and colour
the pictures.
• Spellings ( Read to the Star sheet)
• Diary Entry for Tuesday
• ** Extra Work: In your copy make a list of words that rhyme with “clap”.
• Ongoing Maths: Practise writing and adding numbers to 10 as often as possible. Counting
forwards and backwards to 20 and higher if you can.
• Planet Maths pg. 128
• topmarks.co.uk- find the game Ways to Make ( Addition Bonds)
Each day this week your child will be finding different ways of making numbers to 10
Do the house for the number 7 today
**Extra Work: In your copy write the number bonds for the number 7.
Use the game from tomarks.co.uk to help you.
e.g. Ways to make 7: 4+3=7 etc .
Folens.ie Abair Liom B : Lesson 27- Turas Scoile go dtí an bhFeirm
• Practise Comhrá again.
• Open Póstaer.
Click on Cuardach 1. Click the cursor on different items to hear Irish Sentences.
Try to repeat them.
Practise Foclóir 1 again. Do Taispeáin dom with the pictures and words from
Foclóir 1.
Practise the Dán: Cuairt ar Fheirm
Play the game: Cad a Chloiseann tú?
SESE:Summer- The Seaside
Download the powerpoint of “What can you see at the seaside?” Read and discuss the slides together.
If you can’t download it discuss what you do and see at the beach. Maybe you have some books about the beach at home which you could look at. It is important to keep the beach clean.
Print pdf of The Beach and identify different ways we can keep our beach clean.
Wednesday 10-6-20
Reading: Fallons.ie
Core Reader 5 Magic in the Sky. Read back over pg. 13. Read pg.14 together.
New word: tent. Make a sentence with the new word and ask questions about pg.14.
How many capital letters and full stops? What other words rhyme with “tent”?
• Handwriting- pg. 55
Diary Entry for Wednesday
• Do pg. 4 of the ccvc pdf you printed off the week before last. Cut up the letters and use them
to spell the words.( I will include the pdf again in case you can’t find it.)
Spellings ( Read to the Star sheet)
** Extra Work: Make a sentence with the new word in your copy.
• topmarks.co.uk- find the game Ways to Make ( Addition Bonds)
Each day this week your child will be finding different ways of making numbers to 10
Do the house for the number 8 today.
• Do practical counting and adding activities during the day .
• Planet Maths pg.107 ( as you don’t have cubes use same size objects to measure e.g. lego
Extra Work: In your copy write the number bonds for the number 8.
Use the game from tomarks.co.uk to help you.
e.g. Ways to make 8: 5+3=8 etc
Folens.ie Abair Liom B : Lesson 27- Turas Scoile go dtí an bhFeirm
• Open Póstaer and click on Cuardach 2 . Press play and say sentences le chéile (together)
Say the poem
• Click on Amhrán: Rós an Feirmeoir ( Listen to and sing the song a few times.
The words are at the end of the week’s work)
• Click on Foclóir 2. Repeat the words as you click on them.
Words to practise: bus, ag féachaint=looking, ag ithe=eating, ainmhithe=animals,
Geata=gate, páistí=children
Play the game :Cad a cloiseann tú? ( today your child could make the sounds and you
can guess)
SESE: Summer-The Seaside
It’s important to be safe in the sun when you go to the seaside. Print off the” pack for sun safety” pdf.
Cut and stick into the bag the things that keep you safe from the sun at the beach.
Thursday 11-6-20
• Reading: Fallons.ie
Core Reader 5 Magic in the Sky. Read back over pg. 14. Read pg.15 together.
New words: why, noisy, Sorry, turn, sound. Find the new words on the page and make sentences
with the new words .Ask questions about pg.15.
• Zeb and Friends Skills Book pg. 80
• We have now finished Zeb and Friends Skills Book. Please check your child has completed
all the pages in the book over the next 2 weeks.
• Diary Entry for Thursday
• Extra work: Make sentences with the new words.
• topmarks.co.uk- find the game Ways to Make ( Addition Bonds)
Each day this week your child will be finding different ways of making numbers to 10
Do the house for the number 9 today.
• Ongoing Maths: Practise writing and adding numbers to 10 as often as possible and
counting to 20
• Planet Maths: We have now finished this book. Could you please check all activities are
completed over the next 2 weeks.
• Open and print the pdf of butterfly addition and do pg. 1 and 2 today .
** Extra work- In your copy write the number bonds for the number 9.
Use the game from tomarks.co.uk to help you.
e.g. Ways to make 9: 4+5=9 etc
Folens.ie Abair Liom B : Lesson 27- Turas Scoile go dti an bhFeirm
• Click on Cuardach 2. Press play and say sentences le chéile (together) .
• Sing Amhrán and say poem
• Do Foclóir 2 activity again.
Revise all the animals from Foclóir 1. Use these animals to play
Cad a chloiseann tú?
SESE:Summer- The Seaside
Download the powerpoint of “What Lives at the Beach”. Read the slides together, then draw, colour and label 4 things that live at the beach.
Next time you go to the beach you could look for all the things mentioned in the powerpoint.
Friday 12-6-20
• fallons.ie
Core Reader 5 Magic in the Sky: Read back over pg. 12-15
• Cut up the new words from the word List at the end of this week’s activities.
Play the usual games to practise the new words.
I have written each word twice so you can also play Snap or Memory.
• Diary Entry for Friday
• Print pdf of Seaside Rhyming words and complete the rhyming word activity.
Read the book “The Snail and the Whale” ( on youtube if you don’t have it ) to your child.
Lots of rhyming words in this story for your child to hear.
• Spelling test. Call out the 5 words for your child to write down in their copy.
• topmarks.co.uk- find the game Ways to Make ( Addition Bonds)
Each day this week your child will be finding different ways of making numbers to 10
Do the house for the number 10 today.
• Ongoing Maths: Practise writing and adding numbers to 10 as often as possible and counting to
• Do pg. 3 and 4 of Butterfly addition pdf which you printed off yesterday.
• ** Extra work- In your copy write the number bonds for the number 10.
Use the game from tomarks.co.uk to help you.
e.g. 5+5=10 etc.
Folens.ie Abair Liom B : Lesson 27- Turas Scoile go dtí an bhFeirm
• Revise all the words from Foclóir 1 and 2
• Sing Amhrán and say poem on your own if you can!
• Scéal: Listen to the story
Click on Tráth na gCeist and answer the questions.
Writing: Draw pictures of these animals in your copy. Label each farm animal.
muc (pig), capall (horse), bó (cow), caora (sheep)
Visual Arts
Print off pdf of Summer sunglasses and draw pictures of things you like doing at the seaside
Amhrán:‘Rós an Feirmeoir’
Tá feirm ag Rós, an feirmeoir,
Í – AIGH, Í – AIGH, Ó.
Tá feirm ag Rós, an feirmeoir,
Í – AIGH, Í – AIGH, Ó.
Agus bó, mú, mú, bó, mú, mú,
Bó, bó, bó, bó, mú, mú, mú.
Tá feirm ag Rós, an feirmeoir,
Í – AIGH, Í – AIGH, Ó.
Tá feirm ag Rós, an feirmeoir,
Í – AIGH, Í – AIGH, Ó.
Tá feirm ag Rós, an feirmeoir,
Í – AIGH, Í – AIGH, Ó.
Agus caora, baa, caora, baa,
Caora, caora, baa, baa, baa.
Tá feirm ag Rós, an feirmeoir,
Í – AIGH, Í – AIGH, Ó.
Tá feirm ag Rós, an feirmeoir,
Í – AIGH, Í – AIGH, Ó.
Tá feirm ag Rós, an feirmeoir,
Í – AIGH, Í – AIGH, Ó.
Agus muc, oinc, oinc, muc, oinc, oinc,
Muc, muc, muc, muc, oinc, oinc, oinc.
Tá feirm ag Rós, an feirmeoir,
Í – AIGH, Í – AIGH, Ó.
Dán:‘Cuairt ar Fheirm’
Thug mé cuairt ar fheirm inné,
Chonaic mé bó is chuala mé
Mú, mú, mú, mú, mú,
Ar feadh an lae.
Thug mé cuairt ar fheirm inné,
Chonaic mé lacha is chuala mé
Vác, vác, vác, vác, vác,
Ar feadh an lae.
Thug mé cuairt ar fheirm inné,
Chonaic mé cearc is chuala mé
Tiuc, tiuc, tiuc, tiuc, tiuc,
Ar feadh an lae.
Thug mé cuairt ar fheirm inné,
Chonaic mé asal is chuala mé
Hí há, hí há, hí há,
Ar feadh an lae.
For extra reading log onto www.oxfordowl.co.uk. You will need to register as a parent first.
When you have registered and logged in, go to Resources for parents.
Click on Browse the eBook Library. There are loads of ebooks for your child to read. Click on the icon Series and find a series you like e.g. Oxford Reading Tree and click on age( either 4-5 or 5-6, depends on the difficulty of the book). There are lots of lovely ebooks here for your child to read if you don’t have access to suitable books at home.
** Remember this is a list of suggested activities so only do as much as you can each day.
Week beginning 8-6-20
Monday 8-6-20
• Reading:Log onto fallons.ie. Click on Primary, Senior Infants, English ,Rainbow Stage 1
Scroll to Core Reader 5 Magic in the Sky. Click on the eye icon beside the book and open the
Read pg. 12 together. New words: holds, ring, stick, cheer through, over. Find the words on the
page and make sentences with the new words.
Now your child can read it on their own. Ask your child questions about the page . Find and
count the capital letters and full stops.
• Phonics; ( I have included the pdf of phase 3 vowel diagraphs again)
Print pg. 2 of pdf of phase 3 vowel diagraph activity.
Read and match the “ee” words to the correct picture.
What “ee” word was in your reading today?
Rhyme of the week : log onto topmarks.co.uk. Type nursery rhymes into search.
Find “A Sailor went to sea,sea,sea” and sing it with your child.
• Handwriting Book pg. 54 - revision of letters Qq, Rr, Ss Tt.
• Diary:
Each day write the day and date and draw a picture of something you did (it could be a
walk, a game you played or a movie you watched) and write a sentence or 2 about it.
Spellings: Go back to your next sheet of Read to the Stars and learn the 5 words each day
for a spelling test on Friday.
** Extra Work: Make sentences with the new words.
• Ongoing Maths: Practise writing and adding numbers to 10 as often as possible. Practise
Counting forwards and backwards to 20 ( and higher if you can).
Ask what number comes after/before a given number
• topmarks.co.uk- find the game Ways to Make ( Addition Bonds)
Each day this week your child will be finding different ways of making numbers to 10
Do the houses for the numbers 5 and 6 today.
• Planet Maths pg. 124- The Jungle. Colour the picture when you have finished.
• Extra Work: In your copy write the number bonds for the numbers 5 and 6.
Use the game from tomarks.co.uk to help you.
e.g. Ways to make 5: 3+2=5, 4+1=5 etc
folens.ie Abair Liom B : Lesson 27: Turas Scoile go dtí an bhFeirm ( school tour to
a farm)
• Open Comhrá- listen to conversation and practise the following sentences together.
• Comhrá
Múinteoir: Cad a chloiseann tú?
Síofra: Cloisim bó agus caora. (mú, bá)
Múinteoir: Cad a chloiseann tú?
Seán: Cloisim capall agus muc. (seitreach, oinc)
** Your child can test their acting skills by having a go at the Cómhra
Do the Ceisteanna in this section.
• Open Póstaer. Click on Foclóir 1 . Listen to and click on the correct pictures. Say each word
as you click on the picture.
Words to practise: feirm=farm, éan=bird, muc=pig, bó=cow, capall=horse,
Caora=sheep, sicín=chicken
• On Póstaer click on Dán : Cuairt ar Fheirm ( listen to it and say a few times . The words are at
the end of the week’s work)
** Practise Cloisim ( I hear) during the week.
You could play the game Cad a chloiseann tú? ( What do you hear?)
Your child closes their eyes and you make different sounds. He/she has to identify
the sound and say “Cloisim ____” ( I hear)
The PDST PE team have created a series of PE at Home videos called Beyond the Classroom
This week in PE at home work on your landing skills. Look at the Landing skill video and try the 3 activities during the week.
Otherwise plenty of exercise outdoors
Tuesday 9-6-20
• Reading : Log onto fallons.ie. Click on Primary, Senior Infants, English ,Rainbow Stage 1
Scroll to Core Reader 5 Magic in the Sky. Click on the eye icon beside the book and open the
Listen to your child read pg. 12 again
Read pg. 13 together. New word: clap. Make a sentence with the new word.
Now your child can read it on their own. Ask your child questions about the page.
Find and count the capital letters. What words rhyme with clap.
• Zeb and Friends Skills Book pg.79. Write a sentence about the 2nd two pictures and colour
the pictures.
• Spellings ( Read to the Star sheet)
• Diary Entry for Tuesday
• ** Extra Work: In your copy make a list of words that rhyme with “clap”.
• Ongoing Maths: Practise writing and adding numbers to 10 as often as possible. Counting
forwards and backwards to 20 and higher if you can.
• Planet Maths pg. 128
• topmarks.co.uk- find the game Ways to Make ( Addition Bonds)
Each day this week your child will be finding different ways of making numbers to 10
Do the house for the number 7 today
**Extra Work: In your copy write the number bonds for the number 7.
Use the game from tomarks.co.uk to help you.
e.g. Ways to make 7: 4+3=7 etc .
Folens.ie Abair Liom B : Lesson 27- Turas Scoile go dtí an bhFeirm
• Practise Comhrá again.
• Open Póstaer.
Click on Cuardach 1. Click the cursor on different items to hear Irish Sentences.
Try to repeat them.
Practise Foclóir 1 again. Do Taispeáin dom with the pictures and words from
Foclóir 1.
Practise the Dán: Cuairt ar Fheirm
Play the game: Cad a Chloiseann tú?
SESE:Summer- The Seaside
Download the powerpoint of “What can you see at the seaside?” Read and discuss the slides together.
If you can’t download it discuss what you do and see at the beach. Maybe you have some books about the beach at home which you could look at. It is important to keep the beach clean.
Print pdf of The Beach and identify different ways we can keep our beach clean.
Wednesday 10-6-20
Reading: Fallons.ie
Core Reader 5 Magic in the Sky. Read back over pg. 13. Read pg.14 together.
New word: tent. Make a sentence with the new word and ask questions about pg.14.
How many capital letters and full stops? What other words rhyme with “tent”?
• Handwriting- pg. 55
Diary Entry for Wednesday
• Do pg. 4 of the ccvc pdf you printed off the week before last. Cut up the letters and use them
to spell the words.( I will include the pdf again in case you can’t find it.)
Spellings ( Read to the Star sheet)
** Extra Work: Make a sentence with the new word in your copy.
• topmarks.co.uk- find the game Ways to Make ( Addition Bonds)
Each day this week your child will be finding different ways of making numbers to 10
Do the house for the number 8 today.
• Do practical counting and adding activities during the day .
• Planet Maths pg.107 ( as you don’t have cubes use same size objects to measure e.g. lego
Extra Work: In your copy write the number bonds for the number 8.
Use the game from tomarks.co.uk to help you.
e.g. Ways to make 8: 5+3=8 etc
Folens.ie Abair Liom B : Lesson 27- Turas Scoile go dtí an bhFeirm
• Open Póstaer and click on Cuardach 2 . Press play and say sentences le chéile (together)
Say the poem
• Click on Amhrán: Rós an Feirmeoir ( Listen to and sing the song a few times.
The words are at the end of the week’s work)
• Click on Foclóir 2. Repeat the words as you click on them.
Words to practise: bus, ag féachaint=looking, ag ithe=eating, ainmhithe=animals,
Geata=gate, páistí=children
Play the game :Cad a cloiseann tú? ( today your child could make the sounds and you
can guess)
SESE: Summer-The Seaside
It’s important to be safe in the sun when you go to the seaside. Print off the” pack for sun safety” pdf.
Cut and stick into the bag the things that keep you safe from the sun at the beach.
Thursday 11-6-20
• Reading: Fallons.ie
Core Reader 5 Magic in the Sky. Read back over pg. 14. Read pg.15 together.
New words: why, noisy, Sorry, turn, sound. Find the new words on the page and make sentences
with the new words .Ask questions about pg.15.
• Zeb and Friends Skills Book pg. 80
• We have now finished Zeb and Friends Skills Book. Please check your child has completed
all the pages in the book over the next 2 weeks.
• Diary Entry for Thursday
• Extra work: Make sentences with the new words.
• topmarks.co.uk- find the game Ways to Make ( Addition Bonds)
Each day this week your child will be finding different ways of making numbers to 10
Do the house for the number 9 today.
• Ongoing Maths: Practise writing and adding numbers to 10 as often as possible and
counting to 20
• Planet Maths: We have now finished this book. Could you please check all activities are
completed over the next 2 weeks.
• Open and print the pdf of butterfly addition and do pg. 1 and 2 today .
** Extra work- In your copy write the number bonds for the number 9.
Use the game from tomarks.co.uk to help you.
e.g. Ways to make 9: 4+5=9 etc
Folens.ie Abair Liom B : Lesson 27- Turas Scoile go dti an bhFeirm
• Click on Cuardach 2. Press play and say sentences le chéile (together) .
• Sing Amhrán and say poem
• Do Foclóir 2 activity again.
Revise all the animals from Foclóir 1. Use these animals to play
Cad a chloiseann tú?
SESE:Summer- The Seaside
Download the powerpoint of “What Lives at the Beach”. Read the slides together, then draw, colour and label 4 things that live at the beach.
Next time you go to the beach you could look for all the things mentioned in the powerpoint.
Friday 12-6-20
• fallons.ie
Core Reader 5 Magic in the Sky: Read back over pg. 12-15
• Cut up the new words from the word List at the end of this week’s activities.
Play the usual games to practise the new words.
I have written each word twice so you can also play Snap or Memory.
• Diary Entry for Friday
• Print pdf of Seaside Rhyming words and complete the rhyming word activity.
Read the book “The Snail and the Whale” ( on youtube if you don’t have it ) to your child.
Lots of rhyming words in this story for your child to hear.
• Spelling test. Call out the 5 words for your child to write down in their copy.
• topmarks.co.uk- find the game Ways to Make ( Addition Bonds)
Each day this week your child will be finding different ways of making numbers to 10
Do the house for the number 10 today.
• Ongoing Maths: Practise writing and adding numbers to 10 as often as possible and counting to
• Do pg. 3 and 4 of Butterfly addition pdf which you printed off yesterday.
• ** Extra work- In your copy write the number bonds for the number 10.
Use the game from tomarks.co.uk to help you.
e.g. 5+5=10 etc.
Folens.ie Abair Liom B : Lesson 27- Turas Scoile go dtí an bhFeirm
• Revise all the words from Foclóir 1 and 2
• Sing Amhrán and say poem on your own if you can!
• Scéal: Listen to the story
Click on Tráth na gCeist and answer the questions.
Writing: Draw pictures of these animals in your copy. Label each farm animal.
muc (pig), capall (horse), bó (cow), caora (sheep)
Visual Arts
Print off pdf of Summer sunglasses and draw pictures of things you like doing at the seaside
Amhrán:‘Rós an Feirmeoir’
Tá feirm ag Rós, an feirmeoir,
Í – AIGH, Í – AIGH, Ó.
Tá feirm ag Rós, an feirmeoir,
Í – AIGH, Í – AIGH, Ó.
Agus bó, mú, mú, bó, mú, mú,
Bó, bó, bó, bó, mú, mú, mú.
Tá feirm ag Rós, an feirmeoir,
Í – AIGH, Í – AIGH, Ó.
Tá feirm ag Rós, an feirmeoir,
Í – AIGH, Í – AIGH, Ó.
Tá feirm ag Rós, an feirmeoir,
Í – AIGH, Í – AIGH, Ó.
Agus caora, baa, caora, baa,
Caora, caora, baa, baa, baa.
Tá feirm ag Rós, an feirmeoir,
Í – AIGH, Í – AIGH, Ó.
Tá feirm ag Rós, an feirmeoir,
Í – AIGH, Í – AIGH, Ó.
Tá feirm ag Rós, an feirmeoir,
Í – AIGH, Í – AIGH, Ó.
Agus muc, oinc, oinc, muc, oinc, oinc,
Muc, muc, muc, muc, oinc, oinc, oinc.
Tá feirm ag Rós, an feirmeoir,
Í – AIGH, Í – AIGH, Ó.
Dán:‘Cuairt ar Fheirm’
Thug mé cuairt ar fheirm inné,
Chonaic mé bó is chuala mé
Mú, mú, mú, mú, mú,
Ar feadh an lae.
Thug mé cuairt ar fheirm inné,
Chonaic mé lacha is chuala mé
Vác, vác, vác, vác, vác,
Ar feadh an lae.
Thug mé cuairt ar fheirm inné,
Chonaic mé cearc is chuala mé
Tiuc, tiuc, tiuc, tiuc, tiuc,
Ar feadh an lae.
Thug mé cuairt ar fheirm inné,
Chonaic mé asal is chuala mé
Hí há, hí há, hí há,
Ar feadh an lae.
2nd of June 2020 - 5th of June 2020
Dear Parents and children
I hope you are all well, keeping busy and getting outside as much as you can . Well done on all the work you are doing at home and I’m sure you are continuing to help your mum and dad.
Here is this week’s work. As always do not feel under pressure to complete all of it. Monday is a bank holiday so the list of work I have provided starts on Tuesday.
Please continue to send in any photos, drawings, art or writing to the website. It’s a good way for us all to stay connected!
Please continue to encourage your child to read lots and read as often as possible to them.
If you have any questions about the work set please contact me on [email protected].
Wishing you all the best and stay safe.
Kind regards
Senior Infants
For extra reading log onto www.oxfordowl.co.uk. You will need to register as a parent first.
When you have registered and logged in, go to Resources for parents.
Click on Browse the eBook Library. There are loads of ebooks for your child to read. Click on the icon Series and find a series you like e.g. Oxford Reading Tree and click on age( either 4-5 or 5-6, depends on the difficulty of the book). There are lots of lovely ebooks here for your child to read if you don’t have access to suitable books at home.
** Remember this is a list of suggested activities so only do as much as you can each day.
Week beginning 2-6-20
Tuesday 2-6-20
• Reading:Log onto fallons.ie. Click on Primary, Senior Infants, English ,Rainbow Stage 1
Scroll to Core Reader 5 Magic in the Sky. Click on the eye icon beside the book and open the
Read pg. 9 together. New words: money, wakes. Make sentences with the new words.
Now your child can read it on their own. Ask your child questions about the page . Find and count the
capital letters.
• Phonics; Look Listen and Learn – finish any pages not competed .
Print pg. 1 of pdf of phase 3 vowel diagraph activity.
Read and match the “ai” words to the correct picture.
Rhyme of the week : log onto topmarks.co.uk. Type nursery rhymes into search.
Find “When Goldilocks went to the House of the Bears” and “ I Know an Old Lady” and sing them with
your child.
• Handwriting Book pg.44- revision of letters Mm, Nn, Oo, Pp.
• Diary:
Each day write the day and date and draw a picture of something you did (it could be a
walk, a game you played or a movie you watched) and write a sentence or 2 about it.
Spellings: Go back to your next sheet of Read to the Stars and learn the 5 words each day for
a spelling test on Friday.
** Extra Work: Make sentences with the new words.
• www.topmarks.com and topmarks.co.uk are good websites for Maths games and activities.
• Ongoing Maths: Practise writing and adding numbers to 10 as often as possible. Practise
Counting forwards and backwards to 20 ( and higher if you can).
Ask what number comes after/before a given number
• Your child will be doing some activities on Length for the next few days. To help them with this topic you
could chat to them using the language: short/long, tall/short, big/small, longer/shorter, bigger/smaller,
longest, shortest, biggest, smallest.
• Planet Maths pg. 104
Extra Work: In your copy make a list of tall and short things.
folens.ie- click on Strand Unit, Length: There are 2 interactive activities on Length for your child to do.
folens.ie Abair Liom B : Lesson 26: An Lá Spóirt ( Sports Day)
• Open Comhrá- listen to conversation and practise the following sentences together.
• Comhrá
Múinteoir: Cén rás is fearr leat?
Seán: Is fearr liom an rás trí chos.
Múinteoir: Cén rás is fearr leat?
Síofra: Is fearr liom an rás ubh agus spúnóg.
** Your child can test their acting skills by having a go at the Cómhra
Do the Ceisteanna in this section.
• Open Póstaer. Click on Foclóir 1 . Listen to and click on the correct pictures. Say each word as you
Click on it.
Words to practise: ag rith= running, ag léim= jumping, go mall=slow, go tapa= fast,
rás trí chos=three legged race, rás ubh agus spúnóg= egg and spoon race, liathróid peile=football,
liathróid cispheile
• On Póstaer click on Amhrán: Is Maith Liom É ( listen to and sing a few times . The words are at the end of the
Week’s work))
** Practise Is fear liom ( I prefer) during the week.
** Practise words and phrase from the Irish list. It would be good to do this daily
SESE: Summer
Open powerpoint of Summer. Read the slides together and discuss the pictures. If you can’t download it have a chat with your child about the signs of Summer and the things they see and do during the Summer.
Print off pdf of Our Summer Nature Walk. Go on a sensory nature walk and draw what you see, hear, feel and smell.
The PDST PE team have created a series of PE at Home videos called Beyond the Classroom
This week in PE at home work on your catching skills. Look at the Catching skill video and try the 3 activities during the week.
Otherwise plenty of exercise outdoors
Wednesday 3-6-20
• Reading : Log onto fallons.ie. Click on Primary, Senior Infants, English ,Rainbow Stage 1
Scroll to Core Reader 5 Magic in the Sky. Click on the eye icon beside the book and open the
Listen to your child read pg. 9 again and then re-read the story Luke’s Wobbly Tooth pg.2-9
Read pg. 10 together. New words: basket, couch, magic, remote, control. Make sentences with
the new words.
Now your child can read it on their own. Ask your child questions about the page
Find and count the capital letters. Find the word that rhymes with pouch on the page.
• Zeb and Friends Skills Book pg.79. Write a sentence about the 1st two pictures and colour the pictures.
• Spellings ( Read to the Star sheet)
• Diary Entry for Tuesday
• ** Extra Work: Make sentences with the new words.
www.topmarks.com and topmarks.co.uk are good websites for Maths games and activities.
• Ongoing Maths: Practise writing and adding numbers to 10 as often as possible. Counting
forwards and backwards to 20 and higher if you can.
• In your copy draw your family in order of height starting with the shortest. Label each member
of your family. Maybe you could measure how tall your child is!
Print pdf of shortest to tallest flower activity and put them in order.
• topmarks.co.uk- click on Maths and Early Years. Find the activity Big and Small
Folens.ie Abair Liom B : Lesson 26- An Lá Spóirt
• Practise Comhrá again.
• Open Póstaer.
Click on Cuardach 1. Click the cursor on different items to hear Irish Sentences. Try to repeat them.
Practise Foclóir 1 again.
Practise the Amhrán Is Maith Liom É again.
SESE: Theme- Summer/Wild flowers
Last week was National Biodiversity week. Our last Green Flag at school was for Biodiversity. You could ask your child if they can remember what Biodiversity means. If they can’t remember you could tell them it means variety of living things.
So today and tomorrow your child is going to be busy looking for different wildflowers and minibeasts in the area where he/she lives.( garden, hedgerow, fields,woods )
A lot of flowers and plants grow in Summer. Today you are going to find and record the wildflowers that grow near your house. Print the pdf of plants and flowers hunt .
Maybe you could draw some of the plants and flowers you found in your copy. Don’t forget to label them. You might find some wildflowers and plants that are not on the list. Please record them also.
Thursday 4-6-20
Reading: Fallons.ie
Core Reader 5 Magic in the Sky. Read back over pg. 10. Read pg. 11 together.
New words: presses, begins, spin, spinning,circus. Make sentences with the new words and ask questions about pg.11. What other words can you think of that rhyme with “bin” on the page?
• Handwriting- pg.45
Diary Entry for Wednesday
• Do pg. 3 of the ccvc pdf you printed off last week. Cut up the letters and use them to spell the words.
Spellings ( Read to the Star sheet)
** Extra Work: Make sentences with the new words in your copy.
• topmarks.co.uk Click on Maths, Early Years. Find and do the activity” Let’s Compare”
• Do practical counting and adding activities during the day .
• Planet Maths pg.105
Print pdf of measuring using nonstandard units and complete the activity.
Folens.ie Abair Liom B : Lesson 26- An Lá Spóirt
• Open Póstaer and click on Cuardach 2 . Press play and say sentences le chéile (together)
Sing Amhrán
• Click on Dán: An Lá Spóirt ( Listen to and say the poem a few times. The words are at the end of
the week’s work.)
• Click on Foclóir 2. Repeat the words as you click on them.
Words to practise: húlahup=hula hoop, ag rith=running, ag siúl=walking, ag scipeáil=skipping
uachtar reoite=icecream, ag imirt cispheile=playing basketball.
You could play Deir Ó Grádaigh with some of the sports e.g. Deir Ó Grádaigh bí ag rith etc.
SESE: Minibeasts
It’s a great time to find minibeasts in your garden or in the hedges along your road. Today you are going on a minibeast hunt. Print the pdf of minibeast hunt and record your results. You could draw and label some of the minibeasts you found. You might find some minibeasts that are not on the list. Please record them also.
Friday 5-6-20
• fallons.ie
Core Reader 5 Magic in the Sky: Read back over pg. 9-11
• Cut up the new words from the word List at the end of this week’s activities.
Play the usual games to practise the new words.
I have written each word twice so you can also play Snap or Memory.
• Diary Entry for Friday
• Print pdf of Summer Bucket List and write a list of things you would like to do in the Summer.
• Spelling test. Call out the 5 words for your child to write down in their copy.
**Extra work: Make a list of words that rhyme with bed in your copy.
• topmarks.co.uk- click on Maths, Early Years and do the activity “The Three Bears”
• Ongoing Maths: Practise writing and adding numbers to 10 as often as possible and counting to
• Planet Maths pg. 106. You won’t have cubes at home so use lego bricks, paper clips or match sticks.
( make sure they are all the same size)
• ** Extra work- you could measure other things in your house. Don’t forget to estimate first.
Folens.ie Abair Liom B : Lesson 26- An Lá Spóirt
• Click on Cuardach 2. Press play and say sentences le chéile (together) .
• Sing Amhrán and say poem on your own if you can!
Revise Foclóir 1 and 2
• Scéal: Listen to the story
Click on Cluiche Meaitseála – An Lá Spóirt and play the game
Writing: Draw a picture of you doing your favourite sport and write this sentence under it
Is fear liom ________. e.g . Is fear liom scipeáil( I prefer skipping/I like skipping best.)
Visual Arts
Look at the pdf of minibeast pebbles craft and try to make your own pebble minibeast. Maybe you could send in a photo of your minibeast to be put up on the website!
Amhrán:‘Is Maith Liom É’
Ag siúl, ag siúl, is maith liom é,
Is maith liom é,
Is maith liom é.
Ag siúl, ag siúl, is maith liom é,
Ó, bí ag siúl liomsa.
Ag rith, ag rith, is maith liom é,
Is maith liom é,
Is maith liom é.
Ag rith, ag rith, is maith liom é,
Ó, bí ag rith liomsa.
Ag léim, ag léim, is maith liom é,
Is maith liom é,
Is maith liom é.
Ag léim, ag léim, is maith liom é,
Ó, bí ag léim liomsa.
Dan:‘An Lá Spóirt’
Bhí lá spóirt againn
Ar scoil inniu,
Rás ubh agus spúnóg,
Rás trí chos fi ú.
Ag rith is ag léim,
Cluichí de gach sórt,
Is breá le gach duine
An lá spóirt
For extra reading log onto www.oxfordowl.co.uk. You will need to register as a parent first.
When you have registered and logged in, go to Resources for parents.
Click on Browse the eBook Library. There are loads of ebooks for your child to read. Click on the icon Series and find a series you like e.g. Oxford Reading Tree and click on age( either 4-5 or 5-6, depends on the difficulty of the book). There are lots of lovely ebooks here for your child to read if you don’t have access to suitable books at home.
** Remember this is a list of suggested activities so only do as much as you can each day.
Week beginning 2-6-20
Tuesday 2-6-20
• Reading:Log onto fallons.ie. Click on Primary, Senior Infants, English ,Rainbow Stage 1
Scroll to Core Reader 5 Magic in the Sky. Click on the eye icon beside the book and open the
Read pg. 9 together. New words: money, wakes. Make sentences with the new words.
Now your child can read it on their own. Ask your child questions about the page . Find and count the
capital letters.
• Phonics; Look Listen and Learn – finish any pages not competed .
Print pg. 1 of pdf of phase 3 vowel diagraph activity.
Read and match the “ai” words to the correct picture.
Rhyme of the week : log onto topmarks.co.uk. Type nursery rhymes into search.
Find “When Goldilocks went to the House of the Bears” and “ I Know an Old Lady” and sing them with
your child.
• Handwriting Book pg.44- revision of letters Mm, Nn, Oo, Pp.
• Diary:
Each day write the day and date and draw a picture of something you did (it could be a
walk, a game you played or a movie you watched) and write a sentence or 2 about it.
Spellings: Go back to your next sheet of Read to the Stars and learn the 5 words each day for
a spelling test on Friday.
** Extra Work: Make sentences with the new words.
• www.topmarks.com and topmarks.co.uk are good websites for Maths games and activities.
• Ongoing Maths: Practise writing and adding numbers to 10 as often as possible. Practise
Counting forwards and backwards to 20 ( and higher if you can).
Ask what number comes after/before a given number
• Your child will be doing some activities on Length for the next few days. To help them with this topic you
could chat to them using the language: short/long, tall/short, big/small, longer/shorter, bigger/smaller,
longest, shortest, biggest, smallest.
• Planet Maths pg. 104
Extra Work: In your copy make a list of tall and short things.
folens.ie- click on Strand Unit, Length: There are 2 interactive activities on Length for your child to do.
folens.ie Abair Liom B : Lesson 26: An Lá Spóirt ( Sports Day)
• Open Comhrá- listen to conversation and practise the following sentences together.
• Comhrá
Múinteoir: Cén rás is fearr leat?
Seán: Is fearr liom an rás trí chos.
Múinteoir: Cén rás is fearr leat?
Síofra: Is fearr liom an rás ubh agus spúnóg.
** Your child can test their acting skills by having a go at the Cómhra
Do the Ceisteanna in this section.
• Open Póstaer. Click on Foclóir 1 . Listen to and click on the correct pictures. Say each word as you
Click on it.
Words to practise: ag rith= running, ag léim= jumping, go mall=slow, go tapa= fast,
rás trí chos=three legged race, rás ubh agus spúnóg= egg and spoon race, liathróid peile=football,
liathróid cispheile
• On Póstaer click on Amhrán: Is Maith Liom É ( listen to and sing a few times . The words are at the end of the
Week’s work))
** Practise Is fear liom ( I prefer) during the week.
** Practise words and phrase from the Irish list. It would be good to do this daily
SESE: Summer
Open powerpoint of Summer. Read the slides together and discuss the pictures. If you can’t download it have a chat with your child about the signs of Summer and the things they see and do during the Summer.
Print off pdf of Our Summer Nature Walk. Go on a sensory nature walk and draw what you see, hear, feel and smell.
The PDST PE team have created a series of PE at Home videos called Beyond the Classroom
This week in PE at home work on your catching skills. Look at the Catching skill video and try the 3 activities during the week.
Otherwise plenty of exercise outdoors
Wednesday 3-6-20
• Reading : Log onto fallons.ie. Click on Primary, Senior Infants, English ,Rainbow Stage 1
Scroll to Core Reader 5 Magic in the Sky. Click on the eye icon beside the book and open the
Listen to your child read pg. 9 again and then re-read the story Luke’s Wobbly Tooth pg.2-9
Read pg. 10 together. New words: basket, couch, magic, remote, control. Make sentences with
the new words.
Now your child can read it on their own. Ask your child questions about the page
Find and count the capital letters. Find the word that rhymes with pouch on the page.
• Zeb and Friends Skills Book pg.79. Write a sentence about the 1st two pictures and colour the pictures.
• Spellings ( Read to the Star sheet)
• Diary Entry for Tuesday
• ** Extra Work: Make sentences with the new words.
www.topmarks.com and topmarks.co.uk are good websites for Maths games and activities.
• Ongoing Maths: Practise writing and adding numbers to 10 as often as possible. Counting
forwards and backwards to 20 and higher if you can.
• In your copy draw your family in order of height starting with the shortest. Label each member
of your family. Maybe you could measure how tall your child is!
Print pdf of shortest to tallest flower activity and put them in order.
• topmarks.co.uk- click on Maths and Early Years. Find the activity Big and Small
Folens.ie Abair Liom B : Lesson 26- An Lá Spóirt
• Practise Comhrá again.
• Open Póstaer.
Click on Cuardach 1. Click the cursor on different items to hear Irish Sentences. Try to repeat them.
Practise Foclóir 1 again.
Practise the Amhrán Is Maith Liom É again.
SESE: Theme- Summer/Wild flowers
Last week was National Biodiversity week. Our last Green Flag at school was for Biodiversity. You could ask your child if they can remember what Biodiversity means. If they can’t remember you could tell them it means variety of living things.
So today and tomorrow your child is going to be busy looking for different wildflowers and minibeasts in the area where he/she lives.( garden, hedgerow, fields,woods )
A lot of flowers and plants grow in Summer. Today you are going to find and record the wildflowers that grow near your house. Print the pdf of plants and flowers hunt .
Maybe you could draw some of the plants and flowers you found in your copy. Don’t forget to label them. You might find some wildflowers and plants that are not on the list. Please record them also.
Thursday 4-6-20
Reading: Fallons.ie
Core Reader 5 Magic in the Sky. Read back over pg. 10. Read pg. 11 together.
New words: presses, begins, spin, spinning,circus. Make sentences with the new words and ask questions about pg.11. What other words can you think of that rhyme with “bin” on the page?
• Handwriting- pg.45
Diary Entry for Wednesday
• Do pg. 3 of the ccvc pdf you printed off last week. Cut up the letters and use them to spell the words.
Spellings ( Read to the Star sheet)
** Extra Work: Make sentences with the new words in your copy.
• topmarks.co.uk Click on Maths, Early Years. Find and do the activity” Let’s Compare”
• Do practical counting and adding activities during the day .
• Planet Maths pg.105
Print pdf of measuring using nonstandard units and complete the activity.
Folens.ie Abair Liom B : Lesson 26- An Lá Spóirt
• Open Póstaer and click on Cuardach 2 . Press play and say sentences le chéile (together)
Sing Amhrán
• Click on Dán: An Lá Spóirt ( Listen to and say the poem a few times. The words are at the end of
the week’s work.)
• Click on Foclóir 2. Repeat the words as you click on them.
Words to practise: húlahup=hula hoop, ag rith=running, ag siúl=walking, ag scipeáil=skipping
uachtar reoite=icecream, ag imirt cispheile=playing basketball.
You could play Deir Ó Grádaigh with some of the sports e.g. Deir Ó Grádaigh bí ag rith etc.
SESE: Minibeasts
It’s a great time to find minibeasts in your garden or in the hedges along your road. Today you are going on a minibeast hunt. Print the pdf of minibeast hunt and record your results. You could draw and label some of the minibeasts you found. You might find some minibeasts that are not on the list. Please record them also.
Friday 5-6-20
• fallons.ie
Core Reader 5 Magic in the Sky: Read back over pg. 9-11
• Cut up the new words from the word List at the end of this week’s activities.
Play the usual games to practise the new words.
I have written each word twice so you can also play Snap or Memory.
• Diary Entry for Friday
• Print pdf of Summer Bucket List and write a list of things you would like to do in the Summer.
• Spelling test. Call out the 5 words for your child to write down in their copy.
**Extra work: Make a list of words that rhyme with bed in your copy.
• topmarks.co.uk- click on Maths, Early Years and do the activity “The Three Bears”
• Ongoing Maths: Practise writing and adding numbers to 10 as often as possible and counting to
• Planet Maths pg. 106. You won’t have cubes at home so use lego bricks, paper clips or match sticks.
( make sure they are all the same size)
• ** Extra work- you could measure other things in your house. Don’t forget to estimate first.
Folens.ie Abair Liom B : Lesson 26- An Lá Spóirt
• Click on Cuardach 2. Press play and say sentences le chéile (together) .
• Sing Amhrán and say poem on your own if you can!
Revise Foclóir 1 and 2
• Scéal: Listen to the story
Click on Cluiche Meaitseála – An Lá Spóirt and play the game
Writing: Draw a picture of you doing your favourite sport and write this sentence under it
Is fear liom ________. e.g . Is fear liom scipeáil( I prefer skipping/I like skipping best.)
Visual Arts
Look at the pdf of minibeast pebbles craft and try to make your own pebble minibeast. Maybe you could send in a photo of your minibeast to be put up on the website!
Amhrán:‘Is Maith Liom É’
Ag siúl, ag siúl, is maith liom é,
Is maith liom é,
Is maith liom é.
Ag siúl, ag siúl, is maith liom é,
Ó, bí ag siúl liomsa.
Ag rith, ag rith, is maith liom é,
Is maith liom é,
Is maith liom é.
Ag rith, ag rith, is maith liom é,
Ó, bí ag rith liomsa.
Ag léim, ag léim, is maith liom é,
Is maith liom é,
Is maith liom é.
Ag léim, ag léim, is maith liom é,
Ó, bí ag léim liomsa.
Dan:‘An Lá Spóirt’
Bhí lá spóirt againn
Ar scoil inniu,
Rás ubh agus spúnóg,
Rás trí chos fi ú.
Ag rith is ag léim,
Cluichí de gach sórt,
Is breá le gach duine
An lá spóirt
25th of May 2020 - 29th of May 2020
Dear Parents and children
I hope you are all keeping well and had a good week .
Here is this week’s work. As always do not feel under pressure to complete all of it. Well done on all the work you are doing at home. I know it’s not easy but a little each day keeps us in the routine of learning.
Thank you so much for any work or photos you sent in for the website showing what you are doing at home.
Continue to encourage your child to read lots and read as often as possible to them.
If you have any questions about the work set please contact me on [email protected].
Wishing you all the best and stay safe.
Kind regards
Nora Perkins
Senior Infants
For extra reading log onto www.oxfordowl.co.uk. You will need to register as a parent first.
When you have registered and logged in, go to Resources for parents.
Click on Browse the eBook Library. There are loads of ebooks for your child to read. Click on the icon Series and find a series you like e.g. Oxford Reading Tree and click on age( either 4-5 or 5-6, depends on the difficulty of the book). There are lots of lovely ebooks here for your child to read if you don’t have access to suitable books at home.
** Remember this is a list of suggested activities so only do as much as you can each day.
Week beginning 25-5-20
Monday 25-5-20
• Reading:Log onto fallons.ie. Click on Primary, Senior Infants, English ,Rainbow Stage 1
Scroll to Core Reader 5 Magic in the Sky. Click on the eye icon beside the book and open the
Read pg. 5 together. New word: move. Make a sentence with the word move
Now your child can read it on their own. Ask your child questions about the page . Find and count the
capital letters.
• Phonics; Look Listen and Learn – finish any pages not competed .
Print pdf of ch/sh/th/ng and circle the correct words.
Rhyme of the week : log onto topmarks.co.uk. Type nursery rhymes into search.
Find “The Big Ship Sails “and sing it with your child.
• Handwriting Book pg.34- revision of letters Ii, Jj, Kk, Ll ( I may have given you the wrong pages to
do last week. Sorry. Hope you did the revision of letters Ee, Ff, Gg Hh.)
• Diary:
Each day write the day and date and draw a picture of something you did (it could be a
walk, a game you played or a movie you watched) and write a sentence or 2 about it.
Spellings: Go back to your next sheet of Read to the Stars and learn the 5 words each day for
a spelling test on Friday.
** Extra Work: Make a sentence with the word move.
• www.topmarks.com and topmarks.co.uk are good websites for Maths games and activities.
• Ongoing Maths: Practise writing and adding numbers to 10 as often as possible. Practise
Counting forwards and backwards to 20 ( and higher if you can).
Ask what number comes after/before a given number
• Your child will be doing some activities on Weight for the next few days. To help them with this topic you
could ask your child to compare different objects to see which is heavier or lighter.
If you get a chance it would be great to do some baking which will give them practice weighing.
I will include a recipe for biscuits for you to download but it doesn’t matter what they make as long as
they have the experience of weighing.
• Activity: In your copy or on a piece of paper make a list of heavy and light things. Include things from your
house , garden etc.
Go to folens.ie and click on Abair Liom B
Click on lesson 06: Cochaillín Dearg ( Little Red Riding Hood)
• Open Story. Listen to to the story and listen out for any Irish words you know.
• If you have time draw your favourite part of the story.
• Go to Lesson07 :Súil Siar ( Look Back)
Click on the icon Cártaí Meaitséala and play the game. This game revises what they have learned so far.
** Practise words and phrase from the Irish list. It would be good to do this daily
**If you find this difficult to do, try the websites for Irish in my letter before Easter.
The PDST PE team have created a series of PE at Home videos called Beyond the Classroom
This week in PE at home work on your balance skills. Look at the balance skill video and try the 3 activities during the week.
Otherwise plenty of exercise outdoors!
Tuesday 26-5-20
• Reading : Log onto fallons.ie. Click on Primary, Senior Infants, English ,Rainbow Stage 1
Scroll to Core Reader 5 Magic in the Sky. Click on the eye icon beside the book and open the
Listen to your child read pg. 5 again
Read pg. 6 together. New words: eats, banana, Tooth, Fairy. Make sentences with
the new words.
Now your child can read it on their own. Ask your child questions about the page
Find and count the capital letters. Find the word that rhymes with hairy on the page.
• Zeb and Friends Skills Book pg.78. Write a sentence about the 1st two pictures and colour the pictures.
• Spellings ( Read to the Star sheet)
• Diary Entry for Tuesday
• ** Extra Work: Make sentences with the new words.
www.topmarks.com and topmarks.co.uk are good websites for Maths games and activities.
• Ongoing Maths: Practise writing and adding numbers to 10 as often as possible. Counting
forwards and backwards to 20 and higher if you can.
• Planet Maths pg.122
• topmarks.co.uk- click on Happy Camel Game. This will give you practice with heavier/lighter than.
Folens.ie Abair Liom B : Lesson 09:Lá Fliuch ( A wet day)
• Open Comhrá- listen to conversation and practise the following sentences together.
Síofra: Tá sé ag cur báistí.
Seán: Níl sé ag cur báistí anois.
Seán: Tá an ghrian ag taitneamh.
Síofra: Féach ar an mbogha báistí. Tá sé go hálainn.
** Your child can test their acting skills by having a go at the Cómhra
Words to practise: lochán uisce=puddle, ag cur báistí= raining, cóta báistí=raincoat, buataisí= boots
Bogha báistí= rainbow
On Póstaer click on Amhrán: Ag cur Báistí Listen to and learn the song.( the words are at the end of the
Week’s work)
SESE: Day/Night
Download the powerpoint of the story Back to Earth with a Bump. If you can’t look up “Whatever Next” by Jill Murphy on youtube. Both stories involve going into space.
Use either of these stories to discuss the differences between day and night. In your copy or ( print off the pdf of day and night) draw a picture of something you do during the day and something you do at night.
Wednesday 27-5-20
Reading: Fallons.ie
Core Reader 5 Magic in the Sky. Read back over pg. 6. Read pg. 7 together.
New words: takes, smile picture. Make sentences with the new words and ask questions about pg.7.What other words can you think of that rhyme with smile
• Handwriting- pg. 35
Diary Entry for Wednesday
• Do pg. 2 of the ccvc pdf you printed off last week. Cut up the letters and use them to spell the words.
Spellings ( Read to the Star sheet)
** Extra Work: Make sentences with the new words in your copy.
• topmarks.co.uk find the Blast off game. This will give you practice with numbers.
• Do practical counting and adding activities during the day e.g. I have 4 forks and I got 3 more.
How many do I have now?
• Print off pdf of lightest to heaviest. Cut the pictures and stick them in the correct order.
Abair Liom B on folens.ie : Lesson 09 : Lá Fliuch
• Open Póstaer and do the Comhrá .
Click on Foclóir 1 and do same activity as yesterday.
Do Taispeáin dom using the words and pictures from Foclóir 1
Your child should say Seo é _____
• Click on Amhrán: Ag cur Báistí
• Click on Cuardach 1. Click the cursor on different items to hear Irish Sentences. Try to repeat them.
SESE: Theme-Nocturnal Animals
Nocturnal animals are animals are animals that are awake at night. Read about the owl to your child on the pdf “owlets” .
Ask your child questions about the owl and do the activities suggested on the card.
What other nocturnal animals were mentioned in the activity?
Thursday 28-5-20
•Reading: Fallons.ie
Core Reader 5 Magic in the Sky. Read back over pg. 7.
Read pg. 8 together. New words: bed,under,pillow,goes,asleep
Make sentences with the new words and ask questions about pg.8. What word rhymes with red on the page?
• Diary Entry for Thursday
• Zeb and Friends Skills Book pg. 78. Write a sentence about the next 2 pictures. Colour the pictures.
Spellings ( Read to the Star sheet)
**Extra work: Make a list of words that rhyme with bed in your copy.
• topmarks.co.uk- click on Blast Off Game
• Ongoing Maths: Practise writing and adding numbers to 10 as often as possible and counting to
• Planet Maths pg. 123. You won’t have cubes at home so use lego bricks.( make sure the lego bricks you use
are all the same size)
• ** Extra work- you could weigh other objects using the lego blocks. Don’t forget to estimate first.
Abair Liom B on folens.ie : Lesson 09: Lá Fliuch
• Open Póstaer- click on Cuardach 2. Press play and say sentences le chéile (together) .
• Click on the Dán/ poem: Lá Fliuch. Listen to it and try to say it a few times. ( the words are at the
End of the week’s work)
Do Foclóir 2 . Repeat the words as you click on them
Words to learn: crann=tree, bláthanna=flowers, scamall=cloud, scáth fearthainne=umbrella,
ag léim=jumping
• Sing the Amhrán:Ag Cur Báistí
SESE: Theme- Day and Night
During the day we can make shadows using the sun. When we block the light coming from the sun we make a shadow.
Go outside and look for shadows of objects. Make shadows using your body. Use the pdf activity of light and dark challenges to help you.
Friday 29-5-20
• fallons.ie
Core Reader 5 Magic in the Sky: Read back over pg. 5-8
• Cut up the new words from the word List at the end of this week’s activities.
Play the usual games to practise the new words.
I have written each word twice so you can also play Snap or Memory.
• Print off pdf of space rocket activity and write a list of things you would take to space.
• Diary: Entry for Friday
• Spelling test. Call out the 5 words for your child to write down in their copy.
• Ongoing Maths: Practise writing and adding numbers to 10 as often as possible
• topmarks.co.uk- click Blast Off or any other counting game .
• Print pdf of Back to Earth addition sheet.
Abair Liom B on folens.ie : Lesson 09: Lá Fliuch
• Open Póstaer- Do Foclóir 1 and 2 again
Comhrá- go back over the comhrá sentences again.
• Say the poem: Lá Fliuch and Sing the Amhrán: Ag Cur Báistí
• Click on Scéal and listen to the story.
Open Pléasc an Balún-Lá Fliuch and play the game.
Writing: Draw a picture of yourself on a wet day. Write the words “Lá Fiuch” above the picture.
Visual Arts
Print off pdf of how to draw an owl. Have a go at drawing it and don’t forget to colour it. Maybe you could send in your picture for everyone to look at.
Amhrán :Ag Cur Báistí’
Ochón, ochón,
Tá sé ag cur báistí anois,
Cuir suas an scáth báistí,
Suis, suis, suis.
Mí-ádh, mí-ádh,
Tá mo bhríste ť iuch,
Cuir ort do chóta,
Sip, sip, sip.
Hurá, hurá,
Tá sé tirim arís,
Tóg anuas an scáth báistí,
Suis, suis, suis.
Dán:‘Lá Fliuch’
Plip, Plip, Plup!
Is breá liom lá ť iuch
Ag léim is ag spraoi
I mo bhuataisí.
For extra reading log onto www.oxfordowl.co.uk. You will need to register as a parent first.
When you have registered and logged in, go to Resources for parents.
Click on Browse the eBook Library. There are loads of ebooks for your child to read. Click on the icon Series and find a series you like e.g. Oxford Reading Tree and click on age( either 4-5 or 5-6, depends on the difficulty of the book). There are lots of lovely ebooks here for your child to read if you don’t have access to suitable books at home.
** Remember this is a list of suggested activities so only do as much as you can each day.
Week beginning 25-5-20
Monday 25-5-20
• Reading:Log onto fallons.ie. Click on Primary, Senior Infants, English ,Rainbow Stage 1
Scroll to Core Reader 5 Magic in the Sky. Click on the eye icon beside the book and open the
Read pg. 5 together. New word: move. Make a sentence with the word move
Now your child can read it on their own. Ask your child questions about the page . Find and count the
capital letters.
• Phonics; Look Listen and Learn – finish any pages not competed .
Print pdf of ch/sh/th/ng and circle the correct words.
Rhyme of the week : log onto topmarks.co.uk. Type nursery rhymes into search.
Find “The Big Ship Sails “and sing it with your child.
• Handwriting Book pg.34- revision of letters Ii, Jj, Kk, Ll ( I may have given you the wrong pages to
do last week. Sorry. Hope you did the revision of letters Ee, Ff, Gg Hh.)
• Diary:
Each day write the day and date and draw a picture of something you did (it could be a
walk, a game you played or a movie you watched) and write a sentence or 2 about it.
Spellings: Go back to your next sheet of Read to the Stars and learn the 5 words each day for
a spelling test on Friday.
** Extra Work: Make a sentence with the word move.
• www.topmarks.com and topmarks.co.uk are good websites for Maths games and activities.
• Ongoing Maths: Practise writing and adding numbers to 10 as often as possible. Practise
Counting forwards and backwards to 20 ( and higher if you can).
Ask what number comes after/before a given number
• Your child will be doing some activities on Weight for the next few days. To help them with this topic you
could ask your child to compare different objects to see which is heavier or lighter.
If you get a chance it would be great to do some baking which will give them practice weighing.
I will include a recipe for biscuits for you to download but it doesn’t matter what they make as long as
they have the experience of weighing.
• Activity: In your copy or on a piece of paper make a list of heavy and light things. Include things from your
house , garden etc.
Go to folens.ie and click on Abair Liom B
Click on lesson 06: Cochaillín Dearg ( Little Red Riding Hood)
• Open Story. Listen to to the story and listen out for any Irish words you know.
• If you have time draw your favourite part of the story.
• Go to Lesson07 :Súil Siar ( Look Back)
Click on the icon Cártaí Meaitséala and play the game. This game revises what they have learned so far.
** Practise words and phrase from the Irish list. It would be good to do this daily
**If you find this difficult to do, try the websites for Irish in my letter before Easter.
The PDST PE team have created a series of PE at Home videos called Beyond the Classroom
This week in PE at home work on your balance skills. Look at the balance skill video and try the 3 activities during the week.
Otherwise plenty of exercise outdoors!
Tuesday 26-5-20
• Reading : Log onto fallons.ie. Click on Primary, Senior Infants, English ,Rainbow Stage 1
Scroll to Core Reader 5 Magic in the Sky. Click on the eye icon beside the book and open the
Listen to your child read pg. 5 again
Read pg. 6 together. New words: eats, banana, Tooth, Fairy. Make sentences with
the new words.
Now your child can read it on their own. Ask your child questions about the page
Find and count the capital letters. Find the word that rhymes with hairy on the page.
• Zeb and Friends Skills Book pg.78. Write a sentence about the 1st two pictures and colour the pictures.
• Spellings ( Read to the Star sheet)
• Diary Entry for Tuesday
• ** Extra Work: Make sentences with the new words.
www.topmarks.com and topmarks.co.uk are good websites for Maths games and activities.
• Ongoing Maths: Practise writing and adding numbers to 10 as often as possible. Counting
forwards and backwards to 20 and higher if you can.
• Planet Maths pg.122
• topmarks.co.uk- click on Happy Camel Game. This will give you practice with heavier/lighter than.
Folens.ie Abair Liom B : Lesson 09:Lá Fliuch ( A wet day)
• Open Comhrá- listen to conversation and practise the following sentences together.
Síofra: Tá sé ag cur báistí.
Seán: Níl sé ag cur báistí anois.
Seán: Tá an ghrian ag taitneamh.
Síofra: Féach ar an mbogha báistí. Tá sé go hálainn.
** Your child can test their acting skills by having a go at the Cómhra
- Open Póstaer. Click on Foclóir 1 . Listen to and click on the correct pictures. Say each word as you
Words to practise: lochán uisce=puddle, ag cur báistí= raining, cóta báistí=raincoat, buataisí= boots
Bogha báistí= rainbow
On Póstaer click on Amhrán: Ag cur Báistí Listen to and learn the song.( the words are at the end of the
Week’s work)
SESE: Day/Night
Download the powerpoint of the story Back to Earth with a Bump. If you can’t look up “Whatever Next” by Jill Murphy on youtube. Both stories involve going into space.
Use either of these stories to discuss the differences between day and night. In your copy or ( print off the pdf of day and night) draw a picture of something you do during the day and something you do at night.
Wednesday 27-5-20
Reading: Fallons.ie
Core Reader 5 Magic in the Sky. Read back over pg. 6. Read pg. 7 together.
New words: takes, smile picture. Make sentences with the new words and ask questions about pg.7.What other words can you think of that rhyme with smile
• Handwriting- pg. 35
Diary Entry for Wednesday
• Do pg. 2 of the ccvc pdf you printed off last week. Cut up the letters and use them to spell the words.
Spellings ( Read to the Star sheet)
** Extra Work: Make sentences with the new words in your copy.
• topmarks.co.uk find the Blast off game. This will give you practice with numbers.
• Do practical counting and adding activities during the day e.g. I have 4 forks and I got 3 more.
How many do I have now?
• Print off pdf of lightest to heaviest. Cut the pictures and stick them in the correct order.
Abair Liom B on folens.ie : Lesson 09 : Lá Fliuch
• Open Póstaer and do the Comhrá .
Click on Foclóir 1 and do same activity as yesterday.
Do Taispeáin dom using the words and pictures from Foclóir 1
Your child should say Seo é _____
• Click on Amhrán: Ag cur Báistí
• Click on Cuardach 1. Click the cursor on different items to hear Irish Sentences. Try to repeat them.
SESE: Theme-Nocturnal Animals
Nocturnal animals are animals are animals that are awake at night. Read about the owl to your child on the pdf “owlets” .
Ask your child questions about the owl and do the activities suggested on the card.
What other nocturnal animals were mentioned in the activity?
Thursday 28-5-20
•Reading: Fallons.ie
Core Reader 5 Magic in the Sky. Read back over pg. 7.
Read pg. 8 together. New words: bed,under,pillow,goes,asleep
Make sentences with the new words and ask questions about pg.8. What word rhymes with red on the page?
• Diary Entry for Thursday
• Zeb and Friends Skills Book pg. 78. Write a sentence about the next 2 pictures. Colour the pictures.
Spellings ( Read to the Star sheet)
**Extra work: Make a list of words that rhyme with bed in your copy.
• topmarks.co.uk- click on Blast Off Game
• Ongoing Maths: Practise writing and adding numbers to 10 as often as possible and counting to
• Planet Maths pg. 123. You won’t have cubes at home so use lego bricks.( make sure the lego bricks you use
are all the same size)
• ** Extra work- you could weigh other objects using the lego blocks. Don’t forget to estimate first.
Abair Liom B on folens.ie : Lesson 09: Lá Fliuch
• Open Póstaer- click on Cuardach 2. Press play and say sentences le chéile (together) .
• Click on the Dán/ poem: Lá Fliuch. Listen to it and try to say it a few times. ( the words are at the
End of the week’s work)
Do Foclóir 2 . Repeat the words as you click on them
Words to learn: crann=tree, bláthanna=flowers, scamall=cloud, scáth fearthainne=umbrella,
ag léim=jumping
• Sing the Amhrán:Ag Cur Báistí
SESE: Theme- Day and Night
During the day we can make shadows using the sun. When we block the light coming from the sun we make a shadow.
Go outside and look for shadows of objects. Make shadows using your body. Use the pdf activity of light and dark challenges to help you.
Friday 29-5-20
• fallons.ie
Core Reader 5 Magic in the Sky: Read back over pg. 5-8
• Cut up the new words from the word List at the end of this week’s activities.
Play the usual games to practise the new words.
I have written each word twice so you can also play Snap or Memory.
• Print off pdf of space rocket activity and write a list of things you would take to space.
• Diary: Entry for Friday
• Spelling test. Call out the 5 words for your child to write down in their copy.
• Ongoing Maths: Practise writing and adding numbers to 10 as often as possible
• topmarks.co.uk- click Blast Off or any other counting game .
• Print pdf of Back to Earth addition sheet.
Abair Liom B on folens.ie : Lesson 09: Lá Fliuch
• Open Póstaer- Do Foclóir 1 and 2 again
Comhrá- go back over the comhrá sentences again.
• Say the poem: Lá Fliuch and Sing the Amhrán: Ag Cur Báistí
• Click on Scéal and listen to the story.
Open Pléasc an Balún-Lá Fliuch and play the game.
Writing: Draw a picture of yourself on a wet day. Write the words “Lá Fiuch” above the picture.
Visual Arts
Print off pdf of how to draw an owl. Have a go at drawing it and don’t forget to colour it. Maybe you could send in your picture for everyone to look at.
Amhrán :Ag Cur Báistí’
Ochón, ochón,
Tá sé ag cur báistí anois,
Cuir suas an scáth báistí,
Suis, suis, suis.
Mí-ádh, mí-ádh,
Tá mo bhríste ť iuch,
Cuir ort do chóta,
Sip, sip, sip.
Hurá, hurá,
Tá sé tirim arís,
Tóg anuas an scáth báistí,
Suis, suis, suis.
Dán:‘Lá Fliuch’
Plip, Plip, Plup!
Is breá liom lá ť iuch
Ag léim is ag spraoi
I mo bhuataisí.
18th of May 2020 - 22nd of May 2020
Dear Parents and children
I hope you are all had a good week and managed to enjoy the wonderful sunshine as well as doing some of the suggested activities from last week.
Below is this week’s work. As always do not feel under pressure to complete all of it.
Continue to encourage your child to read lots and read as often as possible to them. Don’t forget to send a photo, a drawing or a piece of writing your child has done to the teacher’s email address. It would be wonderful to see some of your photos, drawings or writing up on the website.
If you have any questions about the work set please contact me on [email protected].
Wishing you all the best and stay safe.
Kind regards
Nora Perkins
**Dublin Zoo is a wonderful site to visit and it is posting an activity workbook around one of the animals each weekday which you can print off and complete. Visit
It also has live webcams to see some of the animals in action
Senior Infants
For extra reading log onto www.oxfordowl.co.uk. You will need to register as a parent first.
When you have registered and logged in, go to Resources for parents.
Click on Browse the eBook Library. There are loads of ebooks for your child to read. Click on the icon Series and find a series you like e.g. Oxford Reading Tree and click on age( either 4-5 or 5-6, depends on the difficulty of the book). There are lots of lovely ebooks here for your child to read if you don’t have access to suitable books at home.
** Remember this is a list of suggested activities so only do as much as you can each day.
Week beginning 18-5-20
• Reading: Check your child knows all the words from pg. 34. Please write any words they don’t
Know on pieces of paper and practise them during the week.
Your child has now finished their book. (Keep it safely to return to school)
Please download and print off the book review. Do a review of your book “What a Box!”
• Phonics; Look Listen and Learn – your child should be finished this book now.
Over the coming weeks finish any activities not completed.
Rhyme of the week : log onto topmarks.co.uk. Type nursery rhymes into search.
Find Row,Row, Row your Boat and sing it with your child.
• Spellings: Go back to your next sheet of Read to the Stars and learn the 5 words each day for
a spelling test on Friday.
• Diary:
Each day write the day and date and draw a picture of something you did (it could be a
walk, a game you played or a movie you watched) and write a sentence or 2 about it.
*Rhyme of the week : log onto topmarks.co.uk. Type nursery rhymes into search.
Find Row, Row, Row your Boat and sing it with your child.
** Extra Work: Make sentences with your words from Read to the Star sheet.
• www.topmarks.com and topmarks.co.uk are good websites for Maths games and activities.
• Ongoing Maths: Practise writing and adding numbers to 10 as often as possible. Practise
Counting forwards and backwards to 20 ( and higher if you can).
Ask what number comes after/before a given number
• Planet Maths pg.120
• Extra Work: Download and print pdf of Elmer addition sheet. Don’t forget to start with the
Higher number when you are doing the addition sums.
** log onto folens.ie .Go to Planet Maths Senior Infants Resources.
Click on Strand Unit and open icon 05 Analysis of Number. Do the Higher and Lower
Practise Hokaí, Pókaí( Hokey, Pokey) on
Go to folens.ie and click on Abair Liom B
Click on lesson 05: Sa Chistin ( in the kitchen)
• Open Comhrá. Listen to comhrá and try to repeat what they say.
Vocabulary to learn
Cá bhfuil an tarán? ( where is the bread)
Tá sé ar an gcuntar. ( it is on the counter)
Cá bhfuil na cairéid? ( where are the carrots)
Tá na cairéid in aice leis an mbainne. ( the carrots are beside the milk)
• Click on ceisteanna and do this activity.
• Open Póstaer and listen to and learn Dán: Mo Chistin. (Say it a few times.)
(The words are at the end of the week’s work.)
. On Póstaer click on Cuardach 1. Click the cursor on different items to hear Irish sentences.
Try to repeat them.
** Practise words and phrase from the Irish list. It would be good to do this daily
**If you find this difficult to do, try the websites for Irish in my letter before Easter.
SESE: Theme-Water
Floating and Sinking
Print off the pdf. of float or sink and test the objects on the sheet in a bowl of water. Cut out and stick the pictures in the correct place.( predict first what you think will float or sink)
The PDST PE team have created a series of PE at Home videos called Beyond the Classroom
This week in PE at home work on your running skills. Look at the running skill video and try the 3 activities during the week.
KidzBop shows dance along videos if your child fancies this. Otherwise plenty of exercise outdoors!
• Reading : Log onto fallons.ie. Click on Primary, Senior Infants, English ,Rainbow Stage 1
Scroll to Core Reader 5 Magic in the Sky. Click on the eye icon beside the book and open the
Read pg. 2 together. New words: Luke, wobbly, tooth, fall, says. Make sentences with
the new words.
Now your child can read it on their own. Ask your child questions about the page
Find and count the capital letters. Find the word that rhymes with ball on the page.
• Zeb and Friends Skills Book pg.76.
• Spellings ( Read to the Star sheet)
• Diary Entry for Tuesday
• Phonics- print off and do the th read and write activity. Pdf.
** Extra Work: Make sentences with the new words.
www.topmarks.com and topmarks.co.uk are good websites for Maths games and activities.
• Ongoing Maths: Practise writing and adding numbers to 10 as often as possible. Counting
forwards and backwards to 20 and higher if you can.
• Planet Maths pg.121
• topmarks.co.uk- click on The Mental Maths Train Game.
Click on the + carriage and do the Addition up to 10 activity
Practise Cá bhfuil ( where is?) you could use it instead of where is? during the day.
Folens.ie Abair Liom B : Lesson 05:Sa Chistin
• Open Comhrá- listen to conversation again and practise sentences together.
Your child can test their acting skills by having a go at the Cómhra
• Open Póstaer. Click on Foclóir 1 . Listen to and click on the correct pictures. Say each word as
Click on it.
Words to practise: cófra-cupboard, doirteal-sink, tóstaer-toaster, cuisneoir-fridge,
citeal-kettle, pota-pot
On Póstaer click on Cuardach 1 again. Click the cursor on different items to hear Irish
Sentences. Try to repeat them.
Dán: Mo Chistin( Practise saying the poem)
Dancing Raisins
Print the Raisin experiment and do the suggested activity. Find out what happens to the raisins.
Reading: Fallons.ie
Core Reader 5 Magic in the Sky. Read back over pg. 2. Read pg. 3 together. New words: one, grow.
Make sentences with the new words and ask questions about pg.3
• Handwriting- pg. 14,15 ( revision of Ee,Ff,Gg,Hh)
Diary Entry for Wednesday
• Spellings ( Read to the Star sheet)
** Extra Work: How many words can you write that rhyme with fall? Make a list of them in your copy.
www.topmarks.com and topmarks.co.uk are good websites for Maths games and activities.
• Your child will be doing activities on Capacity ( measuring liquids) for the next 3 days. Give
them plenty of opportunities to play with sand and water this week.
Use a variety of different sized containers to play with.
You could ask them which container holds more/less, most/least.
• log onto folens.ie .Go to Planet Maths Senior Infants Resources.
Click on Strand Unit and open icon 17 Capacity. Do the activity on most/least
• Planet Maths pg. 122
Practise Cá bhfuil? – you could use it instead of where is? During the day.
Abair Liom B on folens.ie : Lesson 05 : Sa Chistin
• Open Póstaer- Click on Foclóir 1 and do same activity as yesterday.
Do Taispeáin dom ______. Cófra, doirteal, tóstaer,cuisneoir, pot,citeal
Your child should say Seo é _____
• Click on Amhrán: Sa Chistin ? Listen to and learn the song.( the words are at the end of the
Week’s work)
Click on Foclóir 2: Listen to and click on the correct pictures.
Words to learn: ag scríobh- writing, ag súgradh-playing, ag ní- washing, araán- bread, raidió-
Play Deir Ó Grádaigh( O Grady says) with your child( they have played this in school)
Say Deir Ó Grádaigh bí ag scríobh, or bí ag ní or, bí ag súgradh.
( If they do the action when you don’t say Deir Ó Grádaigh then they have to call out Deir Ó
Grádaigh actions)
• Dán: Mo Chistin
SESE: Theme-Water
Boat Challenge
Print off and do the paper boat challenge. Can you make it float? Give your boat a name!
•Reading: Fallons.ie
Core Reader 5 Magic in the Sky. Read back over pg. 3. Read pg. 4 together. New words: Max,pull.
Make sentences with the new words and ask questions about pg.4. What word rhymes with full?
• Diary Entry for Thursday
• Phonics: Print off cvvc pdf and do pg.1( We will be doing the other sheets over the next 2
Weeks ,so keep these sheets safe with your child’s work)
Spellings ( Read to the Star sheet)
***Extra work: Make a list of words that rhyme with pull.
• www.topmarks.com and topmarks.co.uk are good websites for Maths games and activities.
• Ongoing Maths: Practise writing and adding numbers to 10 as often as possible and counting to
• Print off pdf. of how much does it hold activity sheet.
• topmarks.co.uk- click on Coconut Ordering Game. Click on the icon Capacity.
Explain to your child that ml. is a way of measuring liquids. You could show them this
Measurement on a measuring jug. Do the activity on Ordering to 10 ml.
Abair Liom B on folens.ie : Lesson 05: Sa Chistin
Practise Cá bhfuil?
• Open Póstaer- click on Cuardach 2. Press play and say sentences le chéile (together) .
• Say the poem: Mo Chistin
Do Foclóir 2 again and play Deir Ó Grádaigh like yesterday.
• Sing the Amhrán: Sa Chistin
SESE/Visual Arts: Theme- Water
Water Safety
Download the powerpoint of Water Safety.
Read and discuss the safety slides together. Print off pg. 3 of Sammy Seagull pdf and do a poster about being safe in the sea.
(Maybe you would like to send your poster to the teacher’s email so it could be put up on the website!)
• fallons.ie
Core Reader 5 Magic in the Sky: Read back over pg. 2-4.
• Cut up the new words from the word List at the end of this week’s activities.
Play the usual games to practise the new words.
I have written each word twice so you can also play Snap or Memory.
• Zeb and Friends Skills Book pg.77
• Diary: Entry for Friday
• Spelling test. Call out the 5 words for your child to write down in their copy.
www.topmarks.com and topmarks.co.uk are good websites for Maths games and activities.
• Ongoing Maths: Practise writing and adding numbers to 10 as often as possible
• topmarks.co.uk- click on Coconut Ordering Game. Click on the icon Capacity.
Do the Ordering activity to 20 ml.
• Planet maths pg.123. Make sure they do the estimate box for each container first.
Extra Work: Print pdf of everyday objects capacity sheet.
Abair Liom B on folens.ie : Lesson 05: Sa Chistin
• Open Póstaer- Do Foclóir 1 and 2 again and play Taispeáin dom ( show me ) with the words
From Foclóir 1.
Comhrá- go back over the comhrá again.
• Say the poem: Mo Chistin and Sing the Amhrán: Sa Chistin
• Click on Scéal and listen to the story.
Open and do Tráth na g Ceist- Sa Chistin
Writing: Draw a picture of the furniture in your kitchen. Write the words Mo Chistin over the picture.
Log onto Cosmic kids yoga and do some yoga together. Have fun!
Amhrán:‘Sa Chistin’
Tá Mamaí sa chistin, feicim í ag ní.
Tá Síofra sa chistin, feicim í ag scríobh.
Tá Oisín sa chistin, feicim é ag súgradh.
Cad eile atá sa chistin?
Tá cófra, bord, cuisneoir la la,
Citeal, tóstaer, doirteal la la.
Dán:‘Mo Chistin’
Is breá liom mo chistin,
Mo chistin bhreá mhór.
Tá an citeal an-te,
Tá an cuisneoir an-fhuar.
Ach, cá bhfuil mo spúnóg
Is mo chupán don tae?
Istigh sa chófra,
Hip Hip Hú Ré!
Continue with cutting skills worksheets. Try and do these when you can.
www.phonicsplay.co.uk is a very good website to practise cvc words and the sounds your child has been learning during the year- sh, th, ch, ai, oa,ee,ue,ie,oi oo. Please practise these sounds/words as often as possible.This website has a lot of free activities at the moment to help your child practise their sounds. Please visit it.
You will need to register first . They give you the username and password. Once you have logged on click on the icon Resources and open games like Picnic on Pluto or Buried Treasure . Click on Phase 2 to practise CVC words e.g cat, man. Click on Phase 3 to practise words with sh, ai ee sounds etc. There is a game to practise Tricky words that you can’t sound out.
• Phonics:fallons.ie- click on Sounds like Phonics B to practise sounds you have done during the year.
It also has live webcams to see some of the animals in action
Senior Infants
For extra reading log onto www.oxfordowl.co.uk. You will need to register as a parent first.
When you have registered and logged in, go to Resources for parents.
Click on Browse the eBook Library. There are loads of ebooks for your child to read. Click on the icon Series and find a series you like e.g. Oxford Reading Tree and click on age( either 4-5 or 5-6, depends on the difficulty of the book). There are lots of lovely ebooks here for your child to read if you don’t have access to suitable books at home.
** Remember this is a list of suggested activities so only do as much as you can each day.
Week beginning 18-5-20
• Reading: Check your child knows all the words from pg. 34. Please write any words they don’t
Know on pieces of paper and practise them during the week.
Your child has now finished their book. (Keep it safely to return to school)
Please download and print off the book review. Do a review of your book “What a Box!”
• Phonics; Look Listen and Learn – your child should be finished this book now.
Over the coming weeks finish any activities not completed.
Rhyme of the week : log onto topmarks.co.uk. Type nursery rhymes into search.
Find Row,Row, Row your Boat and sing it with your child.
• Spellings: Go back to your next sheet of Read to the Stars and learn the 5 words each day for
a spelling test on Friday.
• Diary:
Each day write the day and date and draw a picture of something you did (it could be a
walk, a game you played or a movie you watched) and write a sentence or 2 about it.
*Rhyme of the week : log onto topmarks.co.uk. Type nursery rhymes into search.
Find Row, Row, Row your Boat and sing it with your child.
** Extra Work: Make sentences with your words from Read to the Star sheet.
• www.topmarks.com and topmarks.co.uk are good websites for Maths games and activities.
• Ongoing Maths: Practise writing and adding numbers to 10 as often as possible. Practise
Counting forwards and backwards to 20 ( and higher if you can).
Ask what number comes after/before a given number
• Planet Maths pg.120
• Extra Work: Download and print pdf of Elmer addition sheet. Don’t forget to start with the
Higher number when you are doing the addition sums.
** log onto folens.ie .Go to Planet Maths Senior Infants Resources.
Click on Strand Unit and open icon 05 Analysis of Number. Do the Higher and Lower
Practise Hokaí, Pókaí( Hokey, Pokey) on
Go to folens.ie and click on Abair Liom B
Click on lesson 05: Sa Chistin ( in the kitchen)
• Open Comhrá. Listen to comhrá and try to repeat what they say.
Vocabulary to learn
Cá bhfuil an tarán? ( where is the bread)
Tá sé ar an gcuntar. ( it is on the counter)
Cá bhfuil na cairéid? ( where are the carrots)
Tá na cairéid in aice leis an mbainne. ( the carrots are beside the milk)
• Click on ceisteanna and do this activity.
• Open Póstaer and listen to and learn Dán: Mo Chistin. (Say it a few times.)
(The words are at the end of the week’s work.)
. On Póstaer click on Cuardach 1. Click the cursor on different items to hear Irish sentences.
Try to repeat them.
** Practise words and phrase from the Irish list. It would be good to do this daily
**If you find this difficult to do, try the websites for Irish in my letter before Easter.
SESE: Theme-Water
Floating and Sinking
Print off the pdf. of float or sink and test the objects on the sheet in a bowl of water. Cut out and stick the pictures in the correct place.( predict first what you think will float or sink)
The PDST PE team have created a series of PE at Home videos called Beyond the Classroom
This week in PE at home work on your running skills. Look at the running skill video and try the 3 activities during the week.
KidzBop shows dance along videos if your child fancies this. Otherwise plenty of exercise outdoors!
• Reading : Log onto fallons.ie. Click on Primary, Senior Infants, English ,Rainbow Stage 1
Scroll to Core Reader 5 Magic in the Sky. Click on the eye icon beside the book and open the
Read pg. 2 together. New words: Luke, wobbly, tooth, fall, says. Make sentences with
the new words.
Now your child can read it on their own. Ask your child questions about the page
Find and count the capital letters. Find the word that rhymes with ball on the page.
• Zeb and Friends Skills Book pg.76.
• Spellings ( Read to the Star sheet)
• Diary Entry for Tuesday
• Phonics- print off and do the th read and write activity. Pdf.
** Extra Work: Make sentences with the new words.
www.topmarks.com and topmarks.co.uk are good websites for Maths games and activities.
• Ongoing Maths: Practise writing and adding numbers to 10 as often as possible. Counting
forwards and backwards to 20 and higher if you can.
• Planet Maths pg.121
• topmarks.co.uk- click on The Mental Maths Train Game.
Click on the + carriage and do the Addition up to 10 activity
Practise Cá bhfuil ( where is?) you could use it instead of where is? during the day.
Folens.ie Abair Liom B : Lesson 05:Sa Chistin
• Open Comhrá- listen to conversation again and practise sentences together.
Your child can test their acting skills by having a go at the Cómhra
• Open Póstaer. Click on Foclóir 1 . Listen to and click on the correct pictures. Say each word as
Click on it.
Words to practise: cófra-cupboard, doirteal-sink, tóstaer-toaster, cuisneoir-fridge,
citeal-kettle, pota-pot
On Póstaer click on Cuardach 1 again. Click the cursor on different items to hear Irish
Sentences. Try to repeat them.
Dán: Mo Chistin( Practise saying the poem)
Dancing Raisins
Print the Raisin experiment and do the suggested activity. Find out what happens to the raisins.
Reading: Fallons.ie
Core Reader 5 Magic in the Sky. Read back over pg. 2. Read pg. 3 together. New words: one, grow.
Make sentences with the new words and ask questions about pg.3
• Handwriting- pg. 14,15 ( revision of Ee,Ff,Gg,Hh)
Diary Entry for Wednesday
• Spellings ( Read to the Star sheet)
** Extra Work: How many words can you write that rhyme with fall? Make a list of them in your copy.
www.topmarks.com and topmarks.co.uk are good websites for Maths games and activities.
• Your child will be doing activities on Capacity ( measuring liquids) for the next 3 days. Give
them plenty of opportunities to play with sand and water this week.
Use a variety of different sized containers to play with.
You could ask them which container holds more/less, most/least.
• log onto folens.ie .Go to Planet Maths Senior Infants Resources.
Click on Strand Unit and open icon 17 Capacity. Do the activity on most/least
• Planet Maths pg. 122
Practise Cá bhfuil? – you could use it instead of where is? During the day.
Abair Liom B on folens.ie : Lesson 05 : Sa Chistin
• Open Póstaer- Click on Foclóir 1 and do same activity as yesterday.
Do Taispeáin dom ______. Cófra, doirteal, tóstaer,cuisneoir, pot,citeal
Your child should say Seo é _____
• Click on Amhrán: Sa Chistin ? Listen to and learn the song.( the words are at the end of the
Week’s work)
Click on Foclóir 2: Listen to and click on the correct pictures.
Words to learn: ag scríobh- writing, ag súgradh-playing, ag ní- washing, araán- bread, raidió-
Play Deir Ó Grádaigh( O Grady says) with your child( they have played this in school)
Say Deir Ó Grádaigh bí ag scríobh, or bí ag ní or, bí ag súgradh.
( If they do the action when you don’t say Deir Ó Grádaigh then they have to call out Deir Ó
Grádaigh actions)
• Dán: Mo Chistin
SESE: Theme-Water
Boat Challenge
Print off and do the paper boat challenge. Can you make it float? Give your boat a name!
•Reading: Fallons.ie
Core Reader 5 Magic in the Sky. Read back over pg. 3. Read pg. 4 together. New words: Max,pull.
Make sentences with the new words and ask questions about pg.4. What word rhymes with full?
• Diary Entry for Thursday
• Phonics: Print off cvvc pdf and do pg.1( We will be doing the other sheets over the next 2
Weeks ,so keep these sheets safe with your child’s work)
Spellings ( Read to the Star sheet)
***Extra work: Make a list of words that rhyme with pull.
• www.topmarks.com and topmarks.co.uk are good websites for Maths games and activities.
• Ongoing Maths: Practise writing and adding numbers to 10 as often as possible and counting to
• Print off pdf. of how much does it hold activity sheet.
• topmarks.co.uk- click on Coconut Ordering Game. Click on the icon Capacity.
Explain to your child that ml. is a way of measuring liquids. You could show them this
Measurement on a measuring jug. Do the activity on Ordering to 10 ml.
Abair Liom B on folens.ie : Lesson 05: Sa Chistin
Practise Cá bhfuil?
• Open Póstaer- click on Cuardach 2. Press play and say sentences le chéile (together) .
• Say the poem: Mo Chistin
Do Foclóir 2 again and play Deir Ó Grádaigh like yesterday.
• Sing the Amhrán: Sa Chistin
SESE/Visual Arts: Theme- Water
Water Safety
Download the powerpoint of Water Safety.
Read and discuss the safety slides together. Print off pg. 3 of Sammy Seagull pdf and do a poster about being safe in the sea.
(Maybe you would like to send your poster to the teacher’s email so it could be put up on the website!)
• fallons.ie
Core Reader 5 Magic in the Sky: Read back over pg. 2-4.
• Cut up the new words from the word List at the end of this week’s activities.
Play the usual games to practise the new words.
I have written each word twice so you can also play Snap or Memory.
• Zeb and Friends Skills Book pg.77
• Diary: Entry for Friday
• Spelling test. Call out the 5 words for your child to write down in their copy.
www.topmarks.com and topmarks.co.uk are good websites for Maths games and activities.
• Ongoing Maths: Practise writing and adding numbers to 10 as often as possible
• topmarks.co.uk- click on Coconut Ordering Game. Click on the icon Capacity.
Do the Ordering activity to 20 ml.
• Planet maths pg.123. Make sure they do the estimate box for each container first.
Extra Work: Print pdf of everyday objects capacity sheet.
Abair Liom B on folens.ie : Lesson 05: Sa Chistin
• Open Póstaer- Do Foclóir 1 and 2 again and play Taispeáin dom ( show me ) with the words
From Foclóir 1.
Comhrá- go back over the comhrá again.
• Say the poem: Mo Chistin and Sing the Amhrán: Sa Chistin
• Click on Scéal and listen to the story.
Open and do Tráth na g Ceist- Sa Chistin
Writing: Draw a picture of the furniture in your kitchen. Write the words Mo Chistin over the picture.
Log onto Cosmic kids yoga and do some yoga together. Have fun!
Amhrán:‘Sa Chistin’
Tá Mamaí sa chistin, feicim í ag ní.
Tá Síofra sa chistin, feicim í ag scríobh.
Tá Oisín sa chistin, feicim é ag súgradh.
Cad eile atá sa chistin?
Tá cófra, bord, cuisneoir la la,
Citeal, tóstaer, doirteal la la.
Dán:‘Mo Chistin’
Is breá liom mo chistin,
Mo chistin bhreá mhór.
Tá an citeal an-te,
Tá an cuisneoir an-fhuar.
Ach, cá bhfuil mo spúnóg
Is mo chupán don tae?
Istigh sa chófra,
Hip Hip Hú Ré!
Continue with cutting skills worksheets. Try and do these when you can.
www.phonicsplay.co.uk is a very good website to practise cvc words and the sounds your child has been learning during the year- sh, th, ch, ai, oa,ee,ue,ie,oi oo. Please practise these sounds/words as often as possible.This website has a lot of free activities at the moment to help your child practise their sounds. Please visit it.
You will need to register first . They give you the username and password. Once you have logged on click on the icon Resources and open games like Picnic on Pluto or Buried Treasure . Click on Phase 2 to practise CVC words e.g cat, man. Click on Phase 3 to practise words with sh, ai ee sounds etc. There is a game to practise Tricky words that you can’t sound out.
• Phonics:fallons.ie- click on Sounds like Phonics B to practise sounds you have done during the year.
11th of May 2020 - 15th of May 2020
Dear Parents and children
I hope you are all keeping well and safe at home. These are certainly difficult and challenging times for us all especially now we know that schools won’t re-open until September. As the days get longer and the weather improves I know it will be hard to keep your child on task to complete the work set for them.
I know that each child is different and will progress through the work at their own pace. The list of suggested work is not meant to cause stress or pressure. Only do what you can. Remember English and Mathematical activities can be done in practical ways e.g. reading recipes/instructions, writing lists, or clues for a game, counting items for dinner, playing shop etc. I will include a link at the end of this letter for you to check out. It has suggestions for some nice activities for you to do with your child. As always encourage your child to read lots and read as often as possible to them. You can do this outside when the weather permits!
I would encourage you to send a photo, a drawing or a piece of writing your child has done to the teacher’s email address. I am sure your child would love to see something they have done up on the school website.
I am aware that circumstances vary from household to household ,so it is important to stay positive and stay safe in these times.
If you have any questions about the work set please contact me on [email protected].
Wishing you all the best and stay safe.
Kind regards
Nora Perkins
Senior Infants
** Remember this is a list of suggested activities do as much as you can each day
Week beginning 11-5-20
•Reading: What a Box Read pg. 45 together. No new words today.Read the page a few times. Ask your child questions about the page. Count all the full stops. What capital letters can you find? Find the word that rhymes with name on the page . Write a list of words that rhyme with name in your copy.
• Phonics; Look Listen and Learn pg. 20.
• Spellings: Go back to your next sheet of Read to the Stars and learn the 5 words each day for a spelling test
on Friday
• Diary:
Each day write the day and date and draw a picture of something you did (it could be a
walk, a game you played or a movie you watched) and write a sentence or 2 about it.
** Extra Work: Make sentences with your words from Read to the Star sheet.
• www.topmarks.com and topmarks.co.uk are good websites for Maths games and activities.
• Ongoing Maths: Practise writing and adding numbers to 10 as often as possible. Practise counting forwards
and backwards to 20 ( and higher if you can). Ask what number comes after/before a given number
• Your child is continuing to work on Money for a few days this week. It is important to give them as many
opportunities as possible to make different amounts to 10c and bigger amounts using real coins. Try to
do some shopping activities with you or with a brother/sister to practise making different amounts, adding
and giving change.
• Planet Maths pg.113. Can your child find the coins to buy the items in each bag.
** topmarks.co.uk- Click on the Toy Shop Game. Click on the euro sign and do the activities up to 10c and 20c.
Listen to some well-known stories like The Gruffalo as Gaeilge on
Go to folens.ie and click on Abair Liom B
Click on lesson 04: Sa Chlós ( in the yard)
• Open Comhrá. Listen to comhrá and try to repeat what they say.
Repeat: Cé leis é? ( who does it belong to)
Is liomsa é. (it is mine)
** Children should be encouraged to use these phrases as they know them already.
• Click on ceisteanna and do this activity.
• Open Póstaer and listen to and learn Amhrán : Ta a lán Éadaí Agam. (Sing it a few times.)
(The words are at the end of the week’s work.)
Foclóir 1: Do this activity and then do Taispeáin dom ____. ( geansaí-jumper, léine-shirt, bróga-shoe, éadaí
Spóirt-tracksuit, bríste-trousers,bróga reatha-trainers, carbhat-tie)
Your child should reply : Seo é geansaí etc.
** Practise words and phrase from the Irish list. It would be good to do this daily
**If you find this difficult to do, try the websites for Irish in my letter before Easter.
SESE: Children of Lir
Open Powerpoint of The Children of Lir. Read and discuss the slides and ask your child questions about the story.
When you have finished print off pg. 1 of the pdf of The Children of Lir. Draw what happened in the beginning and
at the end of the story.( If you want to challenge your child print off pg.2 where 4 pictures need to be drawn)
If you can’t open powerpoint find the story of The Children of Lir on youtube.
The PDST PE team have created a series of PE at Home videos called Beyond the Classroom
This week why not work on your throwing skills-all you need is a tennis ball or a rolled up pair of socks. Look at the throwing skill video and you can try the three home activities over the week.
• Reading : What a Box- go back over pg. 45. Reading pg. 46. New word: great. Make a sentence with the new
Read the page together and then your child can read it on their own. Ask your child questions about the page
and find and count the capital letters. Find the word that rhymes with bell on the page.
• Zeb and Friends Skills Book pg.74.
• Spellings ( Read to the Star sheet)
• Diary Entry for Tuesday
• Handwriting Book- do lower case “q” page.
** Extra Work: Make a sentence with the word great.
www.topmarks.com and topmarks.co.uk are good websites for Maths games and activities.
• Ongoing Maths: Practise writing and adding numbers to 10 as often as possible
• Planet Maths pg.114
• Print off pdf of Race to the Checkout
** topmarks.co.uk- click on The Toy Shop Game
Practise Cé leis é? Is liomsa é.
Folens.ie Abair Liom B : Lesson 04:Sa Chlós
• Open Comhrá- listen to conversation again and practise sentences together.
Open Póstaer. Click on Foclóir 1 . Listen to and click on the correct pictures. Say each word as you
click on it.
Do Taispeáin dom with your child again( same as yesterday).
Sing Amhrán/Song: Tá a Lán Éadaí Agam
• On Póstaer click on Cuardach 1. Click the cursor on different items to hear Irish sentences. Try to repeat
SESE: Children of Lir
Yesterday your child drew pictures of the story. Today please help your child to write a sentence or 2 about each
Picture. There are a lot of key words beside in the worksheet to help them with their sentences.
• Reading: What a Box- go back over pg. 46. Read pg. 47 together. Find and count the capital letters. Ask your child questions about the page. Find the word that rhymes with bun on the page.
• Handwriting- Capital “Q” page
Diary Entry for Wednesday
• Phonics: Print off and do pdf of sh sheet
Spellings ( Read to the Star sheet)
** Extra Work: How many small words can you find in photographs? Make a list of them in your copy.
www.topmarks.com and topmarks.co.uk are good websites for Maths games and activities.
• Ongoing Maths: Practise writing and adding numbers to 10 as often as possible and counting to 20.
• Use Money Peg Cards from last week and ask your child to clip a clothes peg to the correct answer.
• Planet Maths pg. 116,117- The Fair
** topmarks.co.uk- Click on The Toy Shop game.
Practise Cé leis é? Is liomsa é.
Abair Liom B on folens.ie : Lesson 04 : Sa Chlós
• Open Póstaer- Click on Cuardach 2. Press play and say sentences le chéile (together) .
• Click on Foclóir 2: Listen to and click on the correct pictures.
Do Taispeáin dom ______: stocaí-socks, t-léine-t-shirt, sciorta-skirt, ag léim-jumping, ag scipeáil-skipping
Your child should say Seo é _____
Dán: Listen to and learn the poem Cá bhfuil m’Éadaí ?( the words are at the end of the week’s work)
• Amhrán: Sing Tá a Lán Éadaí Agam
Print off and complete pdf of swan life cycle. Try and find out what you call a baby swan, a father swan and a mother swan. There are different types of swans can you find out their names .
• Reading: What a Box – read back over pg. 47 . Read pg. 48 together. Find and count the capital letters and
full stops .
Ask your child questions about the page. Find the word that rhymes with late on the page.
• Diary Entry for Thursday
• Look at Zeb and Friends Skills Book pg.73
Spellings ( Read to the Star sheet)
• www.topmarks.com and topmarks.co.uk are good websites for Maths games and activities.
• Ongoing Maths: Practise writing and adding numbers to 10 as often as possible and counting to 20.
• Planet Maths pg. 118
• topmarks.co.uk- click on Higher and Lower Game. You can do the following activities
Abair Liom B on folens.ie : Lesson 04: Sa Chlós
Practise Cé leis é? Is liomsa é.
• Open Póstaer- click on Cuardach 2. Press play and say sentences le chéile (together) .
• Say the poem: Cá bhfuil m’Éadaí
Do Foclóir 2 again and play Taispeáin dom ( show me ) like yesterday.
• Sing the Amhrán: Tá a Lán Éadaí Agam
Print pdf of earth features activity about water. Discuss the pictures and complete the activity about water.
Think of other ways we use water.
www.topmarks.com and topmarks.co.uk are good websites for Maths games and activities.
2.Objects to 10
3.Numbers to 10 and 20
4.Words to 20
Abair Liom B on folens.ie : Lesson 04: Sa Chlós
• Open Póstaer- Do Foclóir 1 and 2 again and play Taispeáin dom ( show me ) with the words from
Foclóir 1 and 2
• Say the poem: Cá bhfuil m’Éadaí and Sing the Amhrán: Tá a Lán Éadaí Agam
• Click on Scéal and listen to the story.
Open and do Tráth na g Ceist.
Writing: Draw a picture of you and your friends playing in the yard. Write the words Sa Chlós over the picture.
Visual Arts
Look at pdf of We are all different self-potrait frames. Print one off and draw and colour your portrait.
Continue with cutting skills worksheets. Try and do these when you can.
www.phonicsplay.co.uk is a very good website to practise cvc words and the sounds your child has been learning during the year- sh, th, ch, ai, oa,ee,ue,ie,oi oo. Please practise these sounds/words as often as possible.This website has a lot of free activities at the moment to help your child practise their sounds. Please visit it.
You will need to register first . They give you the username and password. Once you have logged on click on the icon Resources and open games like Picnic on Pluto or Buried Treasure . Click on Phase 2 to practise CVC words e.g cat, man. Click on Phase 3 to practise words with sh, ai ee sounds etc. There is a game to practise Tricky words that you can’t sound out.
• Phonics:fallons.ie- click on Sounds like Phonics B to practise sounds you have done during the year.
Amhrán:‘Tá a Lán Éadaí Agam’
Tá dath gorm ar mo léine, x2
Tá dath dearg ar mo gheansaí, x2
Tá dath liath ar mo bhríste, x2
Tá a lán éadaí agam!
Tá dath glas ar mo stocaí, x2
Tá dath bán ar mo t-léine, x2
Tá dath donn ar mo bhróga, x2
Tá a lán éadaí agam!
Dán:‘Cá bhfuil m’Éadaí?’
Cá bhfuil mo stocaí?
Cá bhfuil mo bhríste?
Cá bhfuil mo léine?
Cá bhfuil mo bhróga?
Cá bhfuil mo hata?
Cá bhfuil mo chóta?
Féach Síofra, féach!
Tá siad ar Lóla!
** Remember this is a list of suggested activities do as much as you can each day
Week beginning 11-5-20
•Reading: What a Box Read pg. 45 together. No new words today.Read the page a few times. Ask your child questions about the page. Count all the full stops. What capital letters can you find? Find the word that rhymes with name on the page . Write a list of words that rhyme with name in your copy.
• Phonics; Look Listen and Learn pg. 20.
• Spellings: Go back to your next sheet of Read to the Stars and learn the 5 words each day for a spelling test
on Friday
• Diary:
Each day write the day and date and draw a picture of something you did (it could be a
walk, a game you played or a movie you watched) and write a sentence or 2 about it.
** Extra Work: Make sentences with your words from Read to the Star sheet.
• www.topmarks.com and topmarks.co.uk are good websites for Maths games and activities.
• Ongoing Maths: Practise writing and adding numbers to 10 as often as possible. Practise counting forwards
and backwards to 20 ( and higher if you can). Ask what number comes after/before a given number
• Your child is continuing to work on Money for a few days this week. It is important to give them as many
opportunities as possible to make different amounts to 10c and bigger amounts using real coins. Try to
do some shopping activities with you or with a brother/sister to practise making different amounts, adding
and giving change.
• Planet Maths pg.113. Can your child find the coins to buy the items in each bag.
** topmarks.co.uk- Click on the Toy Shop Game. Click on the euro sign and do the activities up to 10c and 20c.
Listen to some well-known stories like The Gruffalo as Gaeilge on
Go to folens.ie and click on Abair Liom B
Click on lesson 04: Sa Chlós ( in the yard)
• Open Comhrá. Listen to comhrá and try to repeat what they say.
Repeat: Cé leis é? ( who does it belong to)
Is liomsa é. (it is mine)
** Children should be encouraged to use these phrases as they know them already.
• Click on ceisteanna and do this activity.
• Open Póstaer and listen to and learn Amhrán : Ta a lán Éadaí Agam. (Sing it a few times.)
(The words are at the end of the week’s work.)
Foclóir 1: Do this activity and then do Taispeáin dom ____. ( geansaí-jumper, léine-shirt, bróga-shoe, éadaí
Spóirt-tracksuit, bríste-trousers,bróga reatha-trainers, carbhat-tie)
Your child should reply : Seo é geansaí etc.
** Practise words and phrase from the Irish list. It would be good to do this daily
**If you find this difficult to do, try the websites for Irish in my letter before Easter.
SESE: Children of Lir
Open Powerpoint of The Children of Lir. Read and discuss the slides and ask your child questions about the story.
When you have finished print off pg. 1 of the pdf of The Children of Lir. Draw what happened in the beginning and
at the end of the story.( If you want to challenge your child print off pg.2 where 4 pictures need to be drawn)
If you can’t open powerpoint find the story of The Children of Lir on youtube.
The PDST PE team have created a series of PE at Home videos called Beyond the Classroom
This week why not work on your throwing skills-all you need is a tennis ball or a rolled up pair of socks. Look at the throwing skill video and you can try the three home activities over the week.
• Reading : What a Box- go back over pg. 45. Reading pg. 46. New word: great. Make a sentence with the new
Read the page together and then your child can read it on their own. Ask your child questions about the page
and find and count the capital letters. Find the word that rhymes with bell on the page.
• Zeb and Friends Skills Book pg.74.
• Spellings ( Read to the Star sheet)
• Diary Entry for Tuesday
• Handwriting Book- do lower case “q” page.
** Extra Work: Make a sentence with the word great.
www.topmarks.com and topmarks.co.uk are good websites for Maths games and activities.
• Ongoing Maths: Practise writing and adding numbers to 10 as often as possible
• Planet Maths pg.114
• Print off pdf of Race to the Checkout
** topmarks.co.uk- click on The Toy Shop Game
Practise Cé leis é? Is liomsa é.
Folens.ie Abair Liom B : Lesson 04:Sa Chlós
• Open Comhrá- listen to conversation again and practise sentences together.
Open Póstaer. Click on Foclóir 1 . Listen to and click on the correct pictures. Say each word as you
click on it.
Do Taispeáin dom with your child again( same as yesterday).
Sing Amhrán/Song: Tá a Lán Éadaí Agam
• On Póstaer click on Cuardach 1. Click the cursor on different items to hear Irish sentences. Try to repeat
SESE: Children of Lir
Yesterday your child drew pictures of the story. Today please help your child to write a sentence or 2 about each
Picture. There are a lot of key words beside in the worksheet to help them with their sentences.
• Reading: What a Box- go back over pg. 46. Read pg. 47 together. Find and count the capital letters. Ask your child questions about the page. Find the word that rhymes with bun on the page.
• Handwriting- Capital “Q” page
Diary Entry for Wednesday
• Phonics: Print off and do pdf of sh sheet
Spellings ( Read to the Star sheet)
** Extra Work: How many small words can you find in photographs? Make a list of them in your copy.
www.topmarks.com and topmarks.co.uk are good websites for Maths games and activities.
• Ongoing Maths: Practise writing and adding numbers to 10 as often as possible and counting to 20.
• Use Money Peg Cards from last week and ask your child to clip a clothes peg to the correct answer.
• Planet Maths pg. 116,117- The Fair
** topmarks.co.uk- Click on The Toy Shop game.
Practise Cé leis é? Is liomsa é.
Abair Liom B on folens.ie : Lesson 04 : Sa Chlós
• Open Póstaer- Click on Cuardach 2. Press play and say sentences le chéile (together) .
• Click on Foclóir 2: Listen to and click on the correct pictures.
Do Taispeáin dom ______: stocaí-socks, t-léine-t-shirt, sciorta-skirt, ag léim-jumping, ag scipeáil-skipping
Your child should say Seo é _____
Dán: Listen to and learn the poem Cá bhfuil m’Éadaí ?( the words are at the end of the week’s work)
• Amhrán: Sing Tá a Lán Éadaí Agam
Print off and complete pdf of swan life cycle. Try and find out what you call a baby swan, a father swan and a mother swan. There are different types of swans can you find out their names .
• Reading: What a Box – read back over pg. 47 . Read pg. 48 together. Find and count the capital letters and
full stops .
Ask your child questions about the page. Find the word that rhymes with late on the page.
• Diary Entry for Thursday
• Look at Zeb and Friends Skills Book pg.73
Spellings ( Read to the Star sheet)
• www.topmarks.com and topmarks.co.uk are good websites for Maths games and activities.
• Ongoing Maths: Practise writing and adding numbers to 10 as often as possible and counting to 20.
• Planet Maths pg. 118
• topmarks.co.uk- click on Higher and Lower Game. You can do the following activities
- Playing cards
- Objects to 10
- Numbers to 10 and 20
- Words to 20
Abair Liom B on folens.ie : Lesson 04: Sa Chlós
Practise Cé leis é? Is liomsa é.
• Open Póstaer- click on Cuardach 2. Press play and say sentences le chéile (together) .
• Say the poem: Cá bhfuil m’Éadaí
Do Foclóir 2 again and play Taispeáin dom ( show me ) like yesterday.
• Sing the Amhrán: Tá a Lán Éadaí Agam
Print pdf of earth features activity about water. Discuss the pictures and complete the activity about water.
Think of other ways we use water.
- Reading: What a Box- Read back over pg. 45-48 together.You have now finished the story What a Box!
- Ask your child which part of the story they liked best and why. Discuss what the children might do if they got another box.
- Zeb and Friends Skills Book pg.75
- Print pdf of ch activity sheet
- Diary: Entry for Friday
- Spelling test. Call out the 5 words for your child to write down in their copy.
www.topmarks.com and topmarks.co.uk are good websites for Maths games and activities.
- Ongoing Maths: Practise writing and adding numbers to 10 as often as possible
- topmarks.co.uk- click on Higher and Lower Game. You can do the following activities
2.Objects to 10
3.Numbers to 10 and 20
4.Words to 20
- Planet maths pg.119
Abair Liom B on folens.ie : Lesson 04: Sa Chlós
• Open Póstaer- Do Foclóir 1 and 2 again and play Taispeáin dom ( show me ) with the words from
Foclóir 1 and 2
• Say the poem: Cá bhfuil m’Éadaí and Sing the Amhrán: Tá a Lán Éadaí Agam
• Click on Scéal and listen to the story.
Open and do Tráth na g Ceist.
Writing: Draw a picture of you and your friends playing in the yard. Write the words Sa Chlós over the picture.
Visual Arts
Look at pdf of We are all different self-potrait frames. Print one off and draw and colour your portrait.
Continue with cutting skills worksheets. Try and do these when you can.
www.phonicsplay.co.uk is a very good website to practise cvc words and the sounds your child has been learning during the year- sh, th, ch, ai, oa,ee,ue,ie,oi oo. Please practise these sounds/words as often as possible.This website has a lot of free activities at the moment to help your child practise their sounds. Please visit it.
You will need to register first . They give you the username and password. Once you have logged on click on the icon Resources and open games like Picnic on Pluto or Buried Treasure . Click on Phase 2 to practise CVC words e.g cat, man. Click on Phase 3 to practise words with sh, ai ee sounds etc. There is a game to practise Tricky words that you can’t sound out.
• Phonics:fallons.ie- click on Sounds like Phonics B to practise sounds you have done during the year.
Amhrán:‘Tá a Lán Éadaí Agam’
Tá dath gorm ar mo léine, x2
Tá dath dearg ar mo gheansaí, x2
Tá dath liath ar mo bhríste, x2
Tá a lán éadaí agam!
Tá dath glas ar mo stocaí, x2
Tá dath bán ar mo t-léine, x2
Tá dath donn ar mo bhróga, x2
Tá a lán éadaí agam!
Dán:‘Cá bhfuil m’Éadaí?’
Cá bhfuil mo stocaí?
Cá bhfuil mo bhríste?
Cá bhfuil mo léine?
Cá bhfuil mo bhróga?
Cá bhfuil mo hata?
Cá bhfuil mo chóta?
Féach Síofra, féach!
Tá siad ar Lóla!
5th of May 2020 - 8th of May 2020
Dear Parents
I hope this letter finds you all safe and well and you managed to enjoy the weekend.
As Monday is a Bank Holiday your list of work starts on Tuesday. I hope your child is coping with the work being given. I am sure they are all very busy and being very helpful at home.
Do as much as you can each day and don’t forget to put any loose activity sheets into a folder or scrapbook to show me at a later date.
Continue to read to your child as often as possible and encourage them to read a wide variety of books also.
If you have any questions about the work set please contact me on [email protected].
Wishing you all the best and stay safe.
Kind regards
Nora Perkins
Continue with cutting skills worksheets. Try and do these when you can.
Week beginning 5-5-20
•Reading: What a Box Read pg. 42 together. New word: jungle. Find the word on the page . Read the page a few times. Ask your child questions about the page. Ask your child to make a sentences with the new word. Count all the full stops. What capital letters can you find? Find the word that rhymes with cake on the page . Write a list of words that rhyme with cake in your copy.
• Phonics; Look Listen and Learn pg. 27. Read and make sentences with the following words
box, six, axe, fix, next,mix
• Spellings: Go back to your next sheet of Read to the Stars and learn the 5 words each day for a spelling test
on Friday
• Diary:
Each day write the day and date and draw a picture of something you did (it could be a
walk, a game you played or a movie you watched) and write a sentence or 2 about it.
** Extra Work: Draw and label the animals they saw in the jungle.
www.phonicsplay.co.uk is a very good website to practise cvc words and the sounds your child has been learning during the year- sh, th, ch, ai, oa,ee,ue,ie,oi oo. Please practise these sounds/words as often as possible.This website has a lot of free activities at the moment to help your child practise their sounds. Please visit it.
You will need to register first . They give you the username and password. Once you have logged on click on the icon Resources and open games like Picnic on Pluto or Buried Treasure . Click on Phase 2 to practise CVC words e.g cat, man. Click on Phase 3 to practise words with sh, ai ee sounds etc. There is a game to practise Tricky words that you can’t sound out.
• Phonics:fallons.ie- click on Sounds like Phonics B to practise sounds you have done during the year.
• www.topmarks.com and topmarks.co.uk are good websites for Maths games and activities.
• Ongoing Maths: Practise writing and adding numbers to 10 as often as possible
• As your child is working on Money again this week it is important to give them as many opportunities
as possible to make different amounts using real coins. Start with amounts up to 10c and if they are ok with
that you could try bigger amounts. It would be great to set up a shop with your child. They could play
Shopping with you or with a brother/sister to practise making different amounts, adding and giving
• Print pdf of Piggy banks and complete both pages. In the 2nd page draw around the correct coins in
each piggy bank.
** topmarks.co.uk- Click on the Coins Game. Click on the euro sign and do the Sorting activity.
Go to folens.ie and click on Abair Liom B
Click on lesson 03: Am Dinnéir ( Dinner Time)
• Open Comhrá. Listen to comhrá and try to repeat what they say.
Repeat: Tá ocras orm. ( I am hungry)
Tá tart orm. ( I am thirsty)
** Children should be encouraged to use these phrases at different meal times
• Click on ceisteanna and do this activity.
• Open Póstaer and listen to and learn Amhrán : Lóla ag ithe Dinnéir. Sing it a few times.
(The words are at the end of the week’s work.)
Foclóir 1: Do this activity and then do Taispeáin dom ____. ( forc-fork, scian-knife, spúnóg- spoon,
sicín- chicken, prátaí- potatoes
Your child should reply : Seo é forc/scian etc.
** Practise words and phrase from the Irish list. It would be good to do this daily
**If you find this difficult to do, try the websites for Irish in my letter before Easter.
SESE: Topic- Waterproof Materials
Open Powerpoint of Materials and Change. Read and discuss the slides and test the different materials suggested.
When you have finished print off the pdf of the umbrella sheet and stick on the most waterproof material you
tested to the umbrella template. Compete the sentence underneath the umbrella.
• Reading : What a Box- go back over pg. 42 Reading pg. 43 .
New words: transformer,helped,wanted. Find the words on pg.43. Read the page together and then your child can read it on their own. Put the new words into sentences. Ask your child questions about the page and find and count the capital letters.Find the word that rhymes with fox.
• Zeb and Friends Skills Book pg.72. Read the new words when you add –ed. Use the words in senrences.
• Spellings ( Read to the Star sheet)
• Diary Entry for Wednesday
• Handwriting Book- do lower case “x” page.
** Extra Work: How many small words can you find in the word transformer e.g. for, man
Phonics:fallons.ie- click on Sounds like Phonics B to practise sounds you have done during the year.
www.topmarks.com and topmarks.co.uk are good websites for Maths games and activities.
• Ongoing Maths: Practise writing and adding numbers to 10 as often as possible
• Planet Maths pg.112
• Print off pdf of Show me the money. Do pg. 1 and draw around real coins to make 10c.
** topmarks.co.uk- click on The Coins Game and do the Ordering activity
Folens.ie Abair Liom B : Lesson 03:Am Dinnéir
• Open Comhrá- listen to conversation and copy the sentences again. Practise
Tá ocras orm. Tá tart orm.
• Open Póstaer. Click on Foclóir 1 . Listen to and click on the correct pictures. Say each word as you
click on it.
Do Taispeáin dom with your child again.
Sing Amhrán/Song: Lóla ag ithe Dinnéir
• On Póstaer click on Cuardach 1. Click the cursor on different items to hear Irish sentences. Try to repeat
Log onto folens.ie. Open Senior Infants Unlocking SESE ebook
1. Open and discuss pg. 49,50,51
2. Now print off pdf of waterproof activity ( pg. 1 or 2) and draw the objects from pg. 50 in the correct box.
Can you add your own objects to each box.
• Reading: What a Box- go back over pg. 43 and new words so far in the story. Read pg. 44 together. New words: Remember, photograph, soon. Find the new words on pg. 44. Make sentences with the new words. Find and count the capital letters. Ask your child questions about the page. Find the word that rhymes with moon
• Handwriting- Capital “X” page
Diary Entry for Thursday
• Phonics: Look Listen and Learn pg. 66. ch sound.
www.phonicsplay.co.uk- click on the icon Resources. Find the games Picnic on Pluto or Buried Treasure. Click on Phase 3 and find the ch sound and put the words in the correct box.
Spellings ( Read to the Star sheet)
** Extra Work: can you find other words in books with the “ch” sound. Make a list of them in your copy.
www.topmarks.com and topmarks.co.uk are good websites for Maths games and activities.
• Ongoing Maths: Practise writing and adding numbers to 10 as often as possible
• Print pdf of Peg Cards and ask your child to clip a clothes peg to the correct answer. Challenge your
child and ask could they make that amount using different coins
• Do pg. 2 of pdf Show me the Money ( from yesterday) and make amounts to 12c.
There are other sheets with larger amounts. You can try these if your child is able to do them.
** topmarks.co.uk- Click on The Coins Game and do the Counting activity.
Abair Liom B on folens.ie : Lesson 02 An Seomra Ranga
• Open Póstaer- Click on Cuardach 2. Press play and say sentences le chéile (together) .
• Click on Foclóir 2: Listen to and click on the correct pictures.
Do Taispeáin dom ______: uisce-water, arán-bread, sú-juice,caireid-carrots
Your child should say Seo é _____
Listen to and learn the Dán/poem: Píotsa Deas don Tae( the words are at the end of the week’s work)
• Amhrán: Sing Tá Lóla ag ithe Dinnéir
Log onto folens.ie. Open Senior Infants Unlocking SESE ebook
• Open pg. 52. Try the Activity. You will need to bring in the items from your garden.
Draw the results in your copy.
• Reading: What a Box – read back over pg. 44 .Print off and cut up flashcards( included at end of week’s work) and ask your child to find the words on the pages . Ask your child to read pg. 42-44 on their own.
• Diary Entry for Friday
• Look at Zeb and Friends Skills Book pg.72- make sentences in your copy with the words ending with -ed
Spelling test. Call out the 5 words for your child to write down in their copy.
Phonics:fallons.ie- click on Sounds like Phonics B to practise sounds you have done during the year.
• www.topmarks.com and topmarks.co.uk are good websites for Maths games and activities.
• Ongoing Maths: Practise writing and adding numbers to 10 as often as possible
• Prastise Peg Cards activity again ( from yesterday)
• Planet Maths pg. 111
Practise shopping activities with your child.
Open and print shopping list pdf. Write your own shopping list.
Abair Liom B on folens.ie : Lesson 03: Am Dinnéir
• Open Póstaer- click on Cuardach 2. Press play and say sentences le chéile (together) .
• Sing Amhrán : Lóla ag ith Dinnéir
Do Foclóir 2 again and play Taispeáin dom ( show me ) like yesterday.
• Say the poem(Dán): Píotsa Deas don Tae
Click on Scéal and listen to the story.
Click on Cluiche Meaitséala and play the game.
Writing: Draw your favourite pizza on a plate and write :Is maith liom píotsa. ( I like pizza)
Visual Arts
As your child has been doing activities on Waterproof Materials this week they could try this Waterproof activity using crayons and watered down paint. Draw a picture using crayons only ( no pencils). Paint over your crayon picture with watered down paint. The wax crayons are waterproof and should resist the paint.
Amhrán: Lóla ag ithe Dinnéir
Bhí Lóla ag ithe dinnéir,
Bhí Lóla ag ithe dinnéir,
Bhí Lóla ag ithe dinnéir,
A haon, a dó, a trí.
Bhí Tafaí ag ól sú oráiste,
Bhí Tafaí ag ól sú oráiste,
Bhí Tafaí ag ól sú oráiste,
A haon, a dó, a trí.
Bhí Seán agus Síofra ag gáire,
Bhí Seán agus Síofra ag gáire,
Bhí Seán agus Síofra ag gáire,
Agus iad ag déanamh spraoi.
Dán:‘Píotsa Deas don Tae
A ceathair, a cúig, a sé,
Píotsa deas don tae.
Cairéidí beaga, sú oráiste,
Sailéad is prátaí.
A ceathair, a cúig, a sé,
Píotsa deas don tae.
Uachtar reoite, arán donn,
Banana beag is líreacán,
Cáca milis – is maith liom
Uachtar reoite ium ium ium.
Week beginning 5-5-20
•Reading: What a Box Read pg. 42 together. New word: jungle. Find the word on the page . Read the page a few times. Ask your child questions about the page. Ask your child to make a sentences with the new word. Count all the full stops. What capital letters can you find? Find the word that rhymes with cake on the page . Write a list of words that rhyme with cake in your copy.
• Phonics; Look Listen and Learn pg. 27. Read and make sentences with the following words
box, six, axe, fix, next,mix
• Spellings: Go back to your next sheet of Read to the Stars and learn the 5 words each day for a spelling test
on Friday
• Diary:
Each day write the day and date and draw a picture of something you did (it could be a
walk, a game you played or a movie you watched) and write a sentence or 2 about it.
** Extra Work: Draw and label the animals they saw in the jungle.
www.phonicsplay.co.uk is a very good website to practise cvc words and the sounds your child has been learning during the year- sh, th, ch, ai, oa,ee,ue,ie,oi oo. Please practise these sounds/words as often as possible.This website has a lot of free activities at the moment to help your child practise their sounds. Please visit it.
You will need to register first . They give you the username and password. Once you have logged on click on the icon Resources and open games like Picnic on Pluto or Buried Treasure . Click on Phase 2 to practise CVC words e.g cat, man. Click on Phase 3 to practise words with sh, ai ee sounds etc. There is a game to practise Tricky words that you can’t sound out.
• Phonics:fallons.ie- click on Sounds like Phonics B to practise sounds you have done during the year.
• www.topmarks.com and topmarks.co.uk are good websites for Maths games and activities.
• Ongoing Maths: Practise writing and adding numbers to 10 as often as possible
• As your child is working on Money again this week it is important to give them as many opportunities
as possible to make different amounts using real coins. Start with amounts up to 10c and if they are ok with
that you could try bigger amounts. It would be great to set up a shop with your child. They could play
Shopping with you or with a brother/sister to practise making different amounts, adding and giving
• Print pdf of Piggy banks and complete both pages. In the 2nd page draw around the correct coins in
each piggy bank.
** topmarks.co.uk- Click on the Coins Game. Click on the euro sign and do the Sorting activity.
Go to folens.ie and click on Abair Liom B
Click on lesson 03: Am Dinnéir ( Dinner Time)
• Open Comhrá. Listen to comhrá and try to repeat what they say.
Repeat: Tá ocras orm. ( I am hungry)
Tá tart orm. ( I am thirsty)
** Children should be encouraged to use these phrases at different meal times
• Click on ceisteanna and do this activity.
• Open Póstaer and listen to and learn Amhrán : Lóla ag ithe Dinnéir. Sing it a few times.
(The words are at the end of the week’s work.)
Foclóir 1: Do this activity and then do Taispeáin dom ____. ( forc-fork, scian-knife, spúnóg- spoon,
sicín- chicken, prátaí- potatoes
Your child should reply : Seo é forc/scian etc.
** Practise words and phrase from the Irish list. It would be good to do this daily
**If you find this difficult to do, try the websites for Irish in my letter before Easter.
SESE: Topic- Waterproof Materials
Open Powerpoint of Materials and Change. Read and discuss the slides and test the different materials suggested.
When you have finished print off the pdf of the umbrella sheet and stick on the most waterproof material you
tested to the umbrella template. Compete the sentence underneath the umbrella.
• Reading : What a Box- go back over pg. 42 Reading pg. 43 .
New words: transformer,helped,wanted. Find the words on pg.43. Read the page together and then your child can read it on their own. Put the new words into sentences. Ask your child questions about the page and find and count the capital letters.Find the word that rhymes with fox.
• Zeb and Friends Skills Book pg.72. Read the new words when you add –ed. Use the words in senrences.
• Spellings ( Read to the Star sheet)
• Diary Entry for Wednesday
• Handwriting Book- do lower case “x” page.
** Extra Work: How many small words can you find in the word transformer e.g. for, man
Phonics:fallons.ie- click on Sounds like Phonics B to practise sounds you have done during the year.
www.topmarks.com and topmarks.co.uk are good websites for Maths games and activities.
• Ongoing Maths: Practise writing and adding numbers to 10 as often as possible
• Planet Maths pg.112
• Print off pdf of Show me the money. Do pg. 1 and draw around real coins to make 10c.
** topmarks.co.uk- click on The Coins Game and do the Ordering activity
Folens.ie Abair Liom B : Lesson 03:Am Dinnéir
• Open Comhrá- listen to conversation and copy the sentences again. Practise
Tá ocras orm. Tá tart orm.
• Open Póstaer. Click on Foclóir 1 . Listen to and click on the correct pictures. Say each word as you
click on it.
Do Taispeáin dom with your child again.
Sing Amhrán/Song: Lóla ag ithe Dinnéir
• On Póstaer click on Cuardach 1. Click the cursor on different items to hear Irish sentences. Try to repeat
Log onto folens.ie. Open Senior Infants Unlocking SESE ebook
1. Open and discuss pg. 49,50,51
2. Now print off pdf of waterproof activity ( pg. 1 or 2) and draw the objects from pg. 50 in the correct box.
Can you add your own objects to each box.
• Reading: What a Box- go back over pg. 43 and new words so far in the story. Read pg. 44 together. New words: Remember, photograph, soon. Find the new words on pg. 44. Make sentences with the new words. Find and count the capital letters. Ask your child questions about the page. Find the word that rhymes with moon
• Handwriting- Capital “X” page
Diary Entry for Thursday
• Phonics: Look Listen and Learn pg. 66. ch sound.
www.phonicsplay.co.uk- click on the icon Resources. Find the games Picnic on Pluto or Buried Treasure. Click on Phase 3 and find the ch sound and put the words in the correct box.
Spellings ( Read to the Star sheet)
** Extra Work: can you find other words in books with the “ch” sound. Make a list of them in your copy.
www.topmarks.com and topmarks.co.uk are good websites for Maths games and activities.
• Ongoing Maths: Practise writing and adding numbers to 10 as often as possible
• Print pdf of Peg Cards and ask your child to clip a clothes peg to the correct answer. Challenge your
child and ask could they make that amount using different coins
• Do pg. 2 of pdf Show me the Money ( from yesterday) and make amounts to 12c.
There are other sheets with larger amounts. You can try these if your child is able to do them.
** topmarks.co.uk- Click on The Coins Game and do the Counting activity.
Abair Liom B on folens.ie : Lesson 02 An Seomra Ranga
• Open Póstaer- Click on Cuardach 2. Press play and say sentences le chéile (together) .
• Click on Foclóir 2: Listen to and click on the correct pictures.
Do Taispeáin dom ______: uisce-water, arán-bread, sú-juice,caireid-carrots
Your child should say Seo é _____
Listen to and learn the Dán/poem: Píotsa Deas don Tae( the words are at the end of the week’s work)
• Amhrán: Sing Tá Lóla ag ithe Dinnéir
Log onto folens.ie. Open Senior Infants Unlocking SESE ebook
• Open pg. 52. Try the Activity. You will need to bring in the items from your garden.
Draw the results in your copy.
• Reading: What a Box – read back over pg. 44 .Print off and cut up flashcards( included at end of week’s work) and ask your child to find the words on the pages . Ask your child to read pg. 42-44 on their own.
• Diary Entry for Friday
• Look at Zeb and Friends Skills Book pg.72- make sentences in your copy with the words ending with -ed
Spelling test. Call out the 5 words for your child to write down in their copy.
Phonics:fallons.ie- click on Sounds like Phonics B to practise sounds you have done during the year.
• www.topmarks.com and topmarks.co.uk are good websites for Maths games and activities.
• Ongoing Maths: Practise writing and adding numbers to 10 as often as possible
• Prastise Peg Cards activity again ( from yesterday)
• Planet Maths pg. 111
Practise shopping activities with your child.
Open and print shopping list pdf. Write your own shopping list.
Abair Liom B on folens.ie : Lesson 03: Am Dinnéir
• Open Póstaer- click on Cuardach 2. Press play and say sentences le chéile (together) .
• Sing Amhrán : Lóla ag ith Dinnéir
Do Foclóir 2 again and play Taispeáin dom ( show me ) like yesterday.
• Say the poem(Dán): Píotsa Deas don Tae
Click on Scéal and listen to the story.
Click on Cluiche Meaitséala and play the game.
Writing: Draw your favourite pizza on a plate and write :Is maith liom píotsa. ( I like pizza)
Visual Arts
As your child has been doing activities on Waterproof Materials this week they could try this Waterproof activity using crayons and watered down paint. Draw a picture using crayons only ( no pencils). Paint over your crayon picture with watered down paint. The wax crayons are waterproof and should resist the paint.
Amhrán: Lóla ag ithe Dinnéir
Bhí Lóla ag ithe dinnéir,
Bhí Lóla ag ithe dinnéir,
Bhí Lóla ag ithe dinnéir,
A haon, a dó, a trí.
Bhí Tafaí ag ól sú oráiste,
Bhí Tafaí ag ól sú oráiste,
Bhí Tafaí ag ól sú oráiste,
A haon, a dó, a trí.
Bhí Seán agus Síofra ag gáire,
Bhí Seán agus Síofra ag gáire,
Bhí Seán agus Síofra ag gáire,
Agus iad ag déanamh spraoi.
Dán:‘Píotsa Deas don Tae
A ceathair, a cúig, a sé,
Píotsa deas don tae.
Cairéidí beaga, sú oráiste,
Sailéad is prátaí.
A ceathair, a cúig, a sé,
Píotsa deas don tae.
Uachtar reoite, arán donn,
Banana beag is líreacán,
Cáca milis – is maith liom
Uachtar reoite ium ium ium.
27th of April 2020 - 1st of May 2020
Dear Parents
I hope this letter finds you all safe and well and you are getting a chance to enjoy the good weather.
Another week of suggested activities for you to do with your child .
Do as much as you can each day and don’t forget to put any loose activity sheets into a folder or scrapbook to show me at a later date.
Try and include activities from my list before Easter each day e.g. jigsaws, board games, baking, gardening, ball games outside etc.
Continue to read to your child as often as possible and encourage them to read a wide variety of books also.
If you have any questions about the work set please contact me on [email protected].
Wishing you all the best and stay safe.
Kind regards
Nora Perkins
Senior Infants
** Remember this is a list of suggested activities do as much as you can each day
I have included cutting skills worksheets for you to print off. Try and do these when you can.
Week beginning 27-4-20
•Reading: What a Box Read pg. 38,39 together. New words:sat,computer,like,photographs,think. Find the words on the page . Read the pages a few times. Ask your child questions about the pages. Ask your child to make sentences with the new words. Count all the full stops. What capital letters can you find? Find the word that rhymes with hat on the page . Write a list of words that rhyme with hat in your copy.
• Phonics; Look Listen and Learn pg. 28. Can you think of other words that begin with y. Make a list of them.
• www.phonicsplay.co.uk is a very good website to practise cvc words and the sounds your child has been learning during the year- sh, th, ch, ai, oa,ee,ue,ie,oi oo. Please practise these sounds/words as often as possible.This website has a lot of free activities at the moment to help your child practise their sounds. Please visit it.
You will need to register first . They give you the username and password. Once you have logged on click on the icon Resources and open games like Picnic on Pluto or Buried Treasure . Click on Phase 2 to practise CVC words e.g cat, man. Click on Phase 3 to practise words with sh, ai ee sounds etc. There is a game to practise Tricky words that you can’t sound out.
• Phonics:fallons.ie- click on Sounds like Phonics B to practise sounds you have done during the year.
• Diary: It would be good if your child kept a diary during their time at home. It would be nice to read when
we get back to school. Each day write the day and date and draw a picture of something you did ( could be a
walk, a game you played or a movie you watched) and write a sentence or 2 about it. The diary would be a
great way to practise writing, spelling and drawing. If you can use a separate copy/notebook to make it
Spellings: Go back to your second sheet of Read to the Stars and learn the 5 words each day for a spelling test for Friday.
** Extra Work: Write sentences with the new words from your class or make new words with magnetic letters/play dough if you have them. (This work is only if you have time)
• www.topmarks.com and topmarks.co.uk are good websites for Maths games and activities.
• Ongoing Maths: Practise writing and adding numbers to 10 as often as possible
• Planet Maths pg. 69. Ask your child questions e.g How many less kites are there than apples? Etc.
• Print number ordering sheet and complete the activity.
Go to folens.ie and click on Abair Liom B
Click on lesson 02. An Seomra Ranga ( The Classroom)
•Open Comhra. Listen to comhra and try to repeat what they say.
Taispeáin dom leabhar/ peann luaidhe/crián.
Play Taispeáin dom ( show me) with your child. Your child needs to say Seo é leabhar/peann luaidhe/crián
• Click on ceisteanna and do this activity.
• Open Postaer and listen to and learn Amhran Ag Dul ar Scoil. Sing it a few times.( The words are at the end of the week’s work.)
** Practise words and phrases from last week’s Irish list.It would be good to do this daily
**If you find this difficult to do, try the websites for Irish in my letter before Easter.
SESE: Topic- Weather
Log onto folens.ie. Open Senior Infants Unlocking SESE ebook
Your child’s Religion book is in school and we will finish it when we get back to school. In the meantime they can say the prayers they learned at school and if you have a Bible you could read some Bible stories together.
• Reading : What a Box- go back over pg. 38,39. Reading pg. 40 .
New words: remember,spaceship,sky,way. Find the words on pg.40. Read the page together and then your child can read it on their own. Put the new words into sentences. Ask your child questions about the page and find and count the capital letters.Find the word that rhymes with my.
• Zeb and Friends Skills Book pg.70.
• Phonics: Write a list of words that rhyme with wayl e.g. say
• Phonics:fallons.ie- click on Sounds like Phonics B to practise sounds you have done during the year.
• Handwriting Book- do lower case “y” page.
Diary Entry for Tuesday
Spellings ( Read to the Star sheet)
** Extra Work: Write sentences with the new words from your class reader or make new words with magnetic letters/play dough if you have them.
www.topmarks.com and topmarks.co.uk are good websites for Maths games and activities.
• Ongoing Maths: Practise writing and adding numbers to 10 as often as possible
• Planet Maths pg.70
• Print off Maths sheet- one more/less
Folens.ie Abair Liom B : Lesson 02.An Seomra Ranga
• Open Comhra- listen to conversation and copy the sentences.
• Open Postaer. Click on Foclóir . Listen and click on the correct pictures.
Play Taispeáin dom leabhar/múinteoir/cófra/ríomhaire with your child. Your child should reply
Seo é leabhar/múinteoir/cófra/ríomhaire.
Sing Amhrán/Song: Ag Dul ar Scoil
• On Postaer click on Cuardach 1. Click cursor on different items to hear Irish sentences. Can you read the Irish colours on the white board.
Do your Weather Chart for Tuesday
Log onto folens.ie. Open Senior Infants Unlocking SESE ebook
• Open pg. 44. Try the Activity.
Print Weather Station pdf and you can have a go at making different instruments to record wind, wind direction and rainfall.
• Reading What a Box- go back over pg. 40 and new words so far in the story. Read pg. 41 together. New words:tree,all. Find the new words on pg. 41. Make sentences with the new words. Find and count the capital letters. Ask your child questions about the page. Find the words that rhymes with me
• Handwriting- Capital “V” page
Diary Entry for Wednesday
• Phonics: Look Listen and Learn pg. 69. Th sound
Spellings ( Read to the Star sheet)
** Extra Work: can you find other words in books with the “th” sound. Make a list of them in your copy.
www.topmarks.com and topmarks.co.uk are good websites for Maths games and activities.
• Your child will be doing work on money for the next few days so give them lots of practice using coins. Get them to identify different coins, make amounts using coins to 10c and more if they are able. If you have time you could set up a shop and practise buying items and giving change.
• Ongoing Maths: Practise writing and adding numbers to 10 as often as possible
• Planet Maths pg. 108
• Folens.ie: Find Senior Infants Planet Maths and click on resources. Click on Topic and open the icon Money . There are 4 activities on money for your child to do.
Print money sheet and match the coins to the correct amount.
Abair Liom B on folens.ie : Lesson 02 An Seomra Ranga
• Open Postaer- Click on Cuardach 1. Click on different items and try to repeat the sentences .
• Click on Foclóir 2: Listen and click on the correct pictures.
Play Taispeáin dom peann luaidhe/cás peann luaidhe/fillteán/crián.
Your child should say Seo é peann luaidhe/cás peann luaidhe/fillteán/crián
Listen to and learn the poem Cnag ar an Doras( the words are at the end of the week’s work)
• Amhrán: Sing Ag Dul ar Scoil
Weather chart for Wednesday
Log onto folens.ie. Open Senior Infants Unlocking SESE ebook
• Open ebook and go to pg. 45.Say the poem together
• pg. 46 . Draw clothes for the different ages in your copy. Don’t forget to write the phrases( When I was a baby. When I was 2. Now. ) under each picture. Write the heading My Clothes Timeline at the top of the page.
• Reading: What a Box – read back over pg. 41 .Print off and cut up flashcards( included at end of week’s work) and ask your child to find the words on the pages . Ask your child to read pg. 38-41 on their own.
• Phonics:fallons.ie- click on Sounds like Phonics B to practise sounds you have done during the year.
Write a list of words that rhyme with –all, in their copy e.g. ball, call etc.
• Zeb and Friends Skills Book pg.71.
Spellings ( Read to the Star sheet)
Diary Entry for Thursday
• www.topmarks.com and topmarks.co.uk are good websites for Maths games and activities.
• Ongoing Maths: Practise writing and adding numbers to 10 as often as possible
• Planet Maths pg. 109
• Folens.ie: Find Senior Infants Planet Maths and click on resources. Click on Topic and open the icon Money . There are 4 activities on money for your child to do.
Open and print money sheet. Draw the missing coins in each box.
Abair Liom B on folens.ie : Lesson 02 An Seomra Ranga
• Open Póstaer- click on Cuardach 2. Press play and say sentences le chéile (together) .
• Sing Amhrán : Ag Dul ar Scoil.
Do Foclóir 2
• Do Foclóir 2 again and play Taispeáin dom ( show me ) like yesterday.
• Say the poem(Dán): Cnag ar an Doras a few times.
Weather chart for Thursday
Log onto folens.ie. Open Senior Infants Unlocking SESE ebook
• Open ebook pg. 42. Discuss the pictures..
• In your copy draw you dressed up for a hot day, a wet day and a cold day. Write the heading Weather and Clothes at the top of the page.
• Word Game: Write a number (1-6) on the back of each flashcard ( words pg. 38-41). Throw a dice or call out a number. Your child picks up the flashcard with that number on it. If they know the word they can keep it. If they don’t know it they must put it back. Please help them with the words they have difficulty with.
• Phonics: Read and write the th words- thin, think, thing,that, then,them,three,moth,bath,path.
• Log onto phonicsplay.co.uk. Click on Buried Treasure or Picnic on Pluto .Click on Phase 3 and find th sound. Read the th words and put the words in the correct place
• Diary entry for Friday
• Spelling test. Call out the 5 words for your child to write down
** Extra Work: Make sentences with the th words or make the th words with magnetic letters/play dough.
• www.topmarks.com and topmarks.co.uk are good websites for Maths games and activities.
• Ongoing Maths: Practise writing and adding numbers to 10 as often as possible
• Folens.ie: Find Senior Infants Planet Maths and click on resources. Click on Topic and open the icon Money . There are 4 activities on money for your child to do.
• Planet Maths pg.110 .
Open ,print and complete Piggy bank sheets . Draw around coins in the empty piggy banks.
Abair Liom B on folens.ie : Lesson 02 An Seomra Ranga
• Open Postaer- sing Amhrán/song and say Dán/poem
• Open Scéal: Listen to the story and play Feicim le mo shúilín( I spy )with the colours using the picture from the story. Feicim le mo shuilín rud dearg. ( I spy something red)
• Open Cártaí Meaitséala and play the game
• Draw, colour and label pictures of
Log onto folens.ie. Open Senior Infants Unlocking SESE ebook
Open ebook pg. 48.Read and discuss pg. 48. Draw and colour the model you made.
Visual Arts
• Print off pinwheel. Cut, colour and assemble it. Take it outside and blow it. If it’s a windy day the wind will help you.
Amhrán: Ag Dul ar Scoil
1.Páistí óga ag dul ar scoil,
Bualadh bos(x2)
Páistí óga ag dul ar scoil,
Ag dul ar scoil, gach lá.
2.Páistí óga ag imirt peile,
Bualadh bos, (x2)
Páistí óga ag imirt peile,
Ag imirt peile gach lá.
3.Páistí óga ag ithe loin,
Bualadh bos (x2)
Páistí óga ag ithe loin,
Ag ithe loin gach lá.
4.Páistí óga ag fágáil slán,
Bualadh bos (x2)
Páistí óga ag fágáil slán,
Ag fágáil slán gach lá.
Dán: Cnag ar an Doras
Cnag ar an doras,
Is féach isteach.
Bain díot do hata agus siúil isteach.
Suigh ar an stól,
Is ith do lón,
Is conas atá tú inniu?
** Remember this is a list of suggested activities do as much as you can each day
I have included cutting skills worksheets for you to print off. Try and do these when you can.
Week beginning 27-4-20
•Reading: What a Box Read pg. 38,39 together. New words:sat,computer,like,photographs,think. Find the words on the page . Read the pages a few times. Ask your child questions about the pages. Ask your child to make sentences with the new words. Count all the full stops. What capital letters can you find? Find the word that rhymes with hat on the page . Write a list of words that rhyme with hat in your copy.
• Phonics; Look Listen and Learn pg. 28. Can you think of other words that begin with y. Make a list of them.
• www.phonicsplay.co.uk is a very good website to practise cvc words and the sounds your child has been learning during the year- sh, th, ch, ai, oa,ee,ue,ie,oi oo. Please practise these sounds/words as often as possible.This website has a lot of free activities at the moment to help your child practise their sounds. Please visit it.
You will need to register first . They give you the username and password. Once you have logged on click on the icon Resources and open games like Picnic on Pluto or Buried Treasure . Click on Phase 2 to practise CVC words e.g cat, man. Click on Phase 3 to practise words with sh, ai ee sounds etc. There is a game to practise Tricky words that you can’t sound out.
• Phonics:fallons.ie- click on Sounds like Phonics B to practise sounds you have done during the year.
• Diary: It would be good if your child kept a diary during their time at home. It would be nice to read when
we get back to school. Each day write the day and date and draw a picture of something you did ( could be a
walk, a game you played or a movie you watched) and write a sentence or 2 about it. The diary would be a
great way to practise writing, spelling and drawing. If you can use a separate copy/notebook to make it
Spellings: Go back to your second sheet of Read to the Stars and learn the 5 words each day for a spelling test for Friday.
** Extra Work: Write sentences with the new words from your class or make new words with magnetic letters/play dough if you have them. (This work is only if you have time)
• www.topmarks.com and topmarks.co.uk are good websites for Maths games and activities.
• Ongoing Maths: Practise writing and adding numbers to 10 as often as possible
• Planet Maths pg. 69. Ask your child questions e.g How many less kites are there than apples? Etc.
• Print number ordering sheet and complete the activity.
Go to folens.ie and click on Abair Liom B
Click on lesson 02. An Seomra Ranga ( The Classroom)
•Open Comhra. Listen to comhra and try to repeat what they say.
Taispeáin dom leabhar/ peann luaidhe/crián.
Play Taispeáin dom ( show me) with your child. Your child needs to say Seo é leabhar/peann luaidhe/crián
• Click on ceisteanna and do this activity.
• Open Postaer and listen to and learn Amhran Ag Dul ar Scoil. Sing it a few times.( The words are at the end of the week’s work.)
** Practise words and phrases from last week’s Irish list.It would be good to do this daily
**If you find this difficult to do, try the websites for Irish in my letter before Easter.
SESE: Topic- Weather
Log onto folens.ie. Open Senior Infants Unlocking SESE ebook
- Open and read pg. 41 and 42.
- Now print off pdf of weather record sheet .Keep a record of the weather for this week. Draw a weather symbol for the different times of each day.
Your child’s Religion book is in school and we will finish it when we get back to school. In the meantime they can say the prayers they learned at school and if you have a Bible you could read some Bible stories together.
• Reading : What a Box- go back over pg. 38,39. Reading pg. 40 .
New words: remember,spaceship,sky,way. Find the words on pg.40. Read the page together and then your child can read it on their own. Put the new words into sentences. Ask your child questions about the page and find and count the capital letters.Find the word that rhymes with my.
• Zeb and Friends Skills Book pg.70.
• Phonics: Write a list of words that rhyme with wayl e.g. say
• Phonics:fallons.ie- click on Sounds like Phonics B to practise sounds you have done during the year.
• Handwriting Book- do lower case “y” page.
Diary Entry for Tuesday
Spellings ( Read to the Star sheet)
** Extra Work: Write sentences with the new words from your class reader or make new words with magnetic letters/play dough if you have them.
www.topmarks.com and topmarks.co.uk are good websites for Maths games and activities.
• Ongoing Maths: Practise writing and adding numbers to 10 as often as possible
• Planet Maths pg.70
• Print off Maths sheet- one more/less
Folens.ie Abair Liom B : Lesson 02.An Seomra Ranga
• Open Comhra- listen to conversation and copy the sentences.
• Open Postaer. Click on Foclóir . Listen and click on the correct pictures.
Play Taispeáin dom leabhar/múinteoir/cófra/ríomhaire with your child. Your child should reply
Seo é leabhar/múinteoir/cófra/ríomhaire.
Sing Amhrán/Song: Ag Dul ar Scoil
• On Postaer click on Cuardach 1. Click cursor on different items to hear Irish sentences. Can you read the Irish colours on the white board.
Do your Weather Chart for Tuesday
Log onto folens.ie. Open Senior Infants Unlocking SESE ebook
• Open pg. 44. Try the Activity.
Print Weather Station pdf and you can have a go at making different instruments to record wind, wind direction and rainfall.
• Reading What a Box- go back over pg. 40 and new words so far in the story. Read pg. 41 together. New words:tree,all. Find the new words on pg. 41. Make sentences with the new words. Find and count the capital letters. Ask your child questions about the page. Find the words that rhymes with me
• Handwriting- Capital “V” page
Diary Entry for Wednesday
• Phonics: Look Listen and Learn pg. 69. Th sound
Spellings ( Read to the Star sheet)
** Extra Work: can you find other words in books with the “th” sound. Make a list of them in your copy.
www.topmarks.com and topmarks.co.uk are good websites for Maths games and activities.
• Your child will be doing work on money for the next few days so give them lots of practice using coins. Get them to identify different coins, make amounts using coins to 10c and more if they are able. If you have time you could set up a shop and practise buying items and giving change.
• Ongoing Maths: Practise writing and adding numbers to 10 as often as possible
• Planet Maths pg. 108
• Folens.ie: Find Senior Infants Planet Maths and click on resources. Click on Topic and open the icon Money . There are 4 activities on money for your child to do.
Print money sheet and match the coins to the correct amount.
Abair Liom B on folens.ie : Lesson 02 An Seomra Ranga
• Open Postaer- Click on Cuardach 1. Click on different items and try to repeat the sentences .
• Click on Foclóir 2: Listen and click on the correct pictures.
Play Taispeáin dom peann luaidhe/cás peann luaidhe/fillteán/crián.
Your child should say Seo é peann luaidhe/cás peann luaidhe/fillteán/crián
Listen to and learn the poem Cnag ar an Doras( the words are at the end of the week’s work)
• Amhrán: Sing Ag Dul ar Scoil
Weather chart for Wednesday
Log onto folens.ie. Open Senior Infants Unlocking SESE ebook
• Open ebook and go to pg. 45.Say the poem together
• pg. 46 . Draw clothes for the different ages in your copy. Don’t forget to write the phrases( When I was a baby. When I was 2. Now. ) under each picture. Write the heading My Clothes Timeline at the top of the page.
• Reading: What a Box – read back over pg. 41 .Print off and cut up flashcards( included at end of week’s work) and ask your child to find the words on the pages . Ask your child to read pg. 38-41 on their own.
• Phonics:fallons.ie- click on Sounds like Phonics B to practise sounds you have done during the year.
Write a list of words that rhyme with –all, in their copy e.g. ball, call etc.
• Zeb and Friends Skills Book pg.71.
Spellings ( Read to the Star sheet)
Diary Entry for Thursday
• www.topmarks.com and topmarks.co.uk are good websites for Maths games and activities.
• Ongoing Maths: Practise writing and adding numbers to 10 as often as possible
• Planet Maths pg. 109
• Folens.ie: Find Senior Infants Planet Maths and click on resources. Click on Topic and open the icon Money . There are 4 activities on money for your child to do.
Open and print money sheet. Draw the missing coins in each box.
Abair Liom B on folens.ie : Lesson 02 An Seomra Ranga
• Open Póstaer- click on Cuardach 2. Press play and say sentences le chéile (together) .
• Sing Amhrán : Ag Dul ar Scoil.
Do Foclóir 2
• Do Foclóir 2 again and play Taispeáin dom ( show me ) like yesterday.
• Say the poem(Dán): Cnag ar an Doras a few times.
Weather chart for Thursday
Log onto folens.ie. Open Senior Infants Unlocking SESE ebook
• Open ebook pg. 42. Discuss the pictures..
• In your copy draw you dressed up for a hot day, a wet day and a cold day. Write the heading Weather and Clothes at the top of the page.
• Word Game: Write a number (1-6) on the back of each flashcard ( words pg. 38-41). Throw a dice or call out a number. Your child picks up the flashcard with that number on it. If they know the word they can keep it. If they don’t know it they must put it back. Please help them with the words they have difficulty with.
• Phonics: Read and write the th words- thin, think, thing,that, then,them,three,moth,bath,path.
• Log onto phonicsplay.co.uk. Click on Buried Treasure or Picnic on Pluto .Click on Phase 3 and find th sound. Read the th words and put the words in the correct place
• Diary entry for Friday
• Spelling test. Call out the 5 words for your child to write down
** Extra Work: Make sentences with the th words or make the th words with magnetic letters/play dough.
• www.topmarks.com and topmarks.co.uk are good websites for Maths games and activities.
• Ongoing Maths: Practise writing and adding numbers to 10 as often as possible
• Folens.ie: Find Senior Infants Planet Maths and click on resources. Click on Topic and open the icon Money . There are 4 activities on money for your child to do.
• Planet Maths pg.110 .
Open ,print and complete Piggy bank sheets . Draw around coins in the empty piggy banks.
Abair Liom B on folens.ie : Lesson 02 An Seomra Ranga
• Open Postaer- sing Amhrán/song and say Dán/poem
• Open Scéal: Listen to the story and play Feicim le mo shúilín( I spy )with the colours using the picture from the story. Feicim le mo shuilín rud dearg. ( I spy something red)
• Open Cártaí Meaitséala and play the game
• Draw, colour and label pictures of
- peann luaidhe ( pencil)
- leabhar( book)
- crián( crayon)
- múinteoir( teacher)
Log onto folens.ie. Open Senior Infants Unlocking SESE ebook
Open ebook pg. 48.Read and discuss pg. 48. Draw and colour the model you made.
Visual Arts
• Print off pinwheel. Cut, colour and assemble it. Take it outside and blow it. If it’s a windy day the wind will help you.
Amhrán: Ag Dul ar Scoil
1.Páistí óga ag dul ar scoil,
Bualadh bos(x2)
Páistí óga ag dul ar scoil,
Ag dul ar scoil, gach lá.
2.Páistí óga ag imirt peile,
Bualadh bos, (x2)
Páistí óga ag imirt peile,
Ag imirt peile gach lá.
3.Páistí óga ag ithe loin,
Bualadh bos (x2)
Páistí óga ag ithe loin,
Ag ithe loin gach lá.
4.Páistí óga ag fágáil slán,
Bualadh bos (x2)
Páistí óga ag fágáil slán,
Ag fágáil slán gach lá.
Dán: Cnag ar an Doras
Cnag ar an doras,
Is féach isteach.
Bain díot do hata agus siúil isteach.
Suigh ar an stól,
Is ith do lón,
Is conas atá tú inniu?
20th of April 2020 - 24th of April 2020
Dear Parents
I hope this letter finds you all safe and well and that you managed to enjoy the Easter break despite the restrictions. I also hope everybody got plenty of Easter Eggs!
It’s back to school work now and like before the holidays I have provided a list of activities for your child to do each day. I know everybody’s circumstances are different so you know how much you can do with your child.
As I said in my previous letter it is very important for them to have a daily routine and hopefully you can factor the school work into this routine. Continue to read to your child as often as possible and encourage them to read a wide variety of books also. Anything you do will help your child in these difficult times
If you have any questions about the work set please contact me on [email protected].
Wishing you all the best and stay safe.
Kind regards
Nora Perkins
Senior Infants
** Remember this is a list of suggested activities. Do as much as you can each day. Don’t forget to have time to play .
Week beginning 20-4-20
•Reading: What a Box Read pg. 33 together. New words for pg. 35 :Yes, want, Where ,asked. Find the words on the page . Read the page a few times. Ask your child questions about the page. Ask your child to make sentences with the new words. Count all the full stops. What capital letters can you find? Find the word that rhymes with bear.
• Phonics; Look Listen and Learn pg. 25 .
• www.phonicsplay.co.uk is a very good website to practise cvc words and the sounds your child has been learning during the year- sh, th, ch, ai, oa,ee,ue,ie,oi oo. Please practise these sounds/words as often as possible.This website has a lot of free activities at the moment to help your child practise their sounds.Please visit it.
• Phonics:fallons.ie- click on Sounds like Phonics B to practise sounds you have done during the year.
• Draw a picture of your favourite memory of the Easter holidays. Write 2 /3 sentences about it.
Spellings: Go back to your first sheet of Read to the Stars and learn the 5 words each day for a spelling test for Friday.
** Early finishers: Write sentences with the new words from your class reader.
• www.topmarks.com is a good website for Maths games and activities.
• Ongoing Maths: Practise writing and adding numbers to 10 as often as possible
• Folens.ie: Find Senior Infants Planet Maths and click on resources. Find the activities on number and during this week do the activities on Number 10.
• Planet Maths pg. 93. Write the number sentences to make 10 into your copy.
• Topmarks website. Click on Maths. Find Hit the Button and click on Make 10. Answer the questions as quickly as possible.
Go to folens.ie and click on Abair Liom B
Click on lesson 01. Seán agus Síofra
Seán is anim dom.
Síofra is ainm dom.
*Now it’s your turn to say your name in Irish. _______ is ainm dom
**If you find this difficult to do, try the websites for Irish in my letter before Easter.
• Reading : What a Box- go back over pg. 35. Read pg. 36. New words tell, old ,cannot,recycled. Find the words on pg.36. Read the page together and then your child can read it on their own. Put the new words into sentences. Ask your child questions about the page and find and count the capital letters.
• Zeb and Friends Skills Book pg.67. Find the word that ends with ed on pg. 36 of your reader.
• Phonics: Write a list of words that rhyme with tell e.g. fell
• Phonics:fallons.ie- click on Sounds like Phonics B to practise sounds you have done during the year.
• Handwriting Book- do lower case “v” page.
Spellings ( Read to the Star sheet)
** Early finishers: Write sentences with the new words from your class reader.
• www.topmarks.com is a good website for Maths games and activities.
• Ongoing Maths: Practise writing and adding numbers to 10 as often as possible
• Planet Maths pg. 94.
• Topmarks website. Click on Maths. Find Hit the Button and click on Make 10. Can you beat yesterday’s time?
Open and print pdf for some number 10 activities.
Folens.ie Abair Liom B : Lesson 02. Seán agus Síofra
• Open Comhra- listen to conversation and copy the sentences. Say your name in Irish.
• Open Postaer. Sing Amhran Ceann, Gualainn, Glúin is Cos and do Foclóir 1
• On Postaer click on Cuardach 1.. Click on each child to hear their your Irish sentence. Now it’s your turn to say it.
Dia duit ( hello)
________ is anm dom.
Is maith liom ________. ( I like)
Log onto folens.ie. Open Senior Infants Unlocking SESE ebook
• Go to page 38. Discuss how the rooms have changed
• Ask your parents if your house has changed. Write down some of the ways it has changed . Could you help change your bedroom today?
• Reading What a Box- go back over pg. 36 and new words so far in the story. Read pg. 37. New words:Don’t, when,into,show. Find the new words on pg. 37. Make sentences with the new words. Find and count the capital letters. Ask your child questions about the page. Find the word that rhymes with no
• Handwriting- Capital “V” page
• Phonics: Look Listen and Learn pg. 68. Wh sound
Spellings ( Read to the Star sheet)
** Early finishers- can you find other words in books with the “wh” sound. Make a list of them in your copy.
• www.topmarks.com is a good website for Maths games and activities.
• Ongoing Maths: Practise writing and adding numbers to 10 as often as possible
• Planet Maths pg. 93.
• Topmarks website. Click on Maths. Find Hit the Button and click on Addition within 10. Answer the questions as quickly as possible
Open and print pdf for some number 10 activities. You can do these activities over the next few days if you have time.
Abair Liom B on folens.ie : Lesson 01
• Open Postaer- Click on Cuardach 2. Press play and say the sentences with the children.
Dia duit ( hello)
________ is anm dom.
Is maith liom ________. ( I like)
• Click on Póstaer and Dán . Listen to and learn the poem Suí Sá( the words are at the end of the week’s work)
SESE- Log onto folens.ie. Open Senior Infants Unlocking SESE ebook
• Open ebook and go to pg. 39. Discuss the pictures and answer the questions
• Go around the house and make a list of all the things that use electricity.
• Reading: What a Box – read back over pg. 35-37 Write the words on flashcards and ask your child to find the words on the pages .
• Phonics:fallons.ie- click on Sounds like Phonics B to practise sounds you have done during the year.
• Zeb and Friends Skills Book pg.68. Revision of words from the last story. Can you write about a visit to the beach. You can use some of the words from pg. 68 to help you. Don’t forget to draw a picture!
Spellings ( Read to the Star sheet)
Abair Liom B on folens.ie : Lesson 01
________ is anm dom.
Is maith liom ________. ( I like)
Log onto folens.ie. Open Senior Infants Unlocking SESE ebook
• Word Game: Write the words from pg. 35-37 on flashcards. Write a number (1-6) on the back of each flashcard. Throw a dice or call out a number. Your child picks up the flashcard with that number on it. If they know the word they can keep it. If they don’t know it they must put it back. Please help them with the words they have difficulty with.
Abair Liom B on folens.ie : Lesson 23
________ is anm dom.
Is maith liom ________. ( I like)
Visual Arts
• In Spring baby animals are born. Open/print pdf of 2-d chick . Cut, stick and make the chick.
Amhrán: Ceann, Gualainn, Glúin is Cos Poem/Dán: Suí, Sá
Ceann, gualainn,gluin is cos, Suí, sá, in airde san aer
Ceann, gualainn,gluin is cos, Síos arís ag suí ar an bhféar.
Agus súile,cluasa,béal agus srón, Suí, sá in airde sa spéir,
Ceann, gualainn,gluin is cos, Deanaimis é an lá go léir.
(Sing the song 2 times)
Irish words/ phrases to practise.
• Colours: dearg, gorm, buí, glas,oráiste,bán, bán-dearg, corcra, dubh, donn, liath.
Play I spy in Irish- Feicim le mo shúilín rud ______
• Days of the week : Dé Luain, Dé Máirt, Dé Céadaoin, Déardaoin, Dé hAoine, Dé Sathairn, Dé Domhnaigh.
Each day ask your child :Cen lá atá inniu?
Answer: Inniu Dé ____________.
• Weather: Tá an lá fuar. Tá an lá te. Tá an lá fliuch. Tá an lá tirim. Tá an lá scamallach. Tá an lá gaofar.
Ask your child each day: Cén sort lá atá ann?
Answer: Tá an lá __________.
• Numbers to 10 – aon, dó, trí, ceathair, cúig sé, seacht, ocht, naoi, deich.
Count objects in Irish when you are doing Maths or counting forks/knives for dinner.
• Dia duit (hello).
Each day say this to your child. Answer: Dia is Muire duit.
• Conas atá tu? (how are you). Ask your child this each day. Answer: Tá mé go maith go raibh maith agat.
• Go raibh maith agat ( thank you). Get your child to use this as often as possible.
• Más é do thoil é. ( please) Get your child to use this as often as possible.
• Oscail (open). Dún (open). You could ask them to oscail/dún the door/cupboard etc.
• Is maith liom( I like) They could tell you all the things they like using
Is maith liom _______.
** For extra reading if you don’t have suitable books to read at home log onto fallons.ie and find Senior Infant section. Some ebooks for your child to read are
• Ella goes to the Airport
• Globby Helps Out
• Globby’s Football Match
• Pip and Rags- core reader 4
• Magic in the Sky- core reader 5
• Check websites for phonics and rhyming word activities. Go to fallons.ie website and find Sounds like Phonics B to practise sounds you have been doing in school this year. www.phonicsplay.co.uk has games to practise sounds also.
• Continue to practise Read to the Star sheets. Your child could put these words into sentences.
• Twinkl have developed a range of resource packs for each class. Each pack contains fun, challenging and interactive work for your children. So you can visit their website and download and print the pack.
** Remember this is a list of suggested activities. Do as much as you can each day. Don’t forget to have time to play .
Week beginning 20-4-20
•Reading: What a Box Read pg. 33 together. New words for pg. 35 :Yes, want, Where ,asked. Find the words on the page . Read the page a few times. Ask your child questions about the page. Ask your child to make sentences with the new words. Count all the full stops. What capital letters can you find? Find the word that rhymes with bear.
• Phonics; Look Listen and Learn pg. 25 .
• www.phonicsplay.co.uk is a very good website to practise cvc words and the sounds your child has been learning during the year- sh, th, ch, ai, oa,ee,ue,ie,oi oo. Please practise these sounds/words as often as possible.This website has a lot of free activities at the moment to help your child practise their sounds.Please visit it.
• Phonics:fallons.ie- click on Sounds like Phonics B to practise sounds you have done during the year.
• Draw a picture of your favourite memory of the Easter holidays. Write 2 /3 sentences about it.
Spellings: Go back to your first sheet of Read to the Stars and learn the 5 words each day for a spelling test for Friday.
** Early finishers: Write sentences with the new words from your class reader.
• www.topmarks.com is a good website for Maths games and activities.
• Ongoing Maths: Practise writing and adding numbers to 10 as often as possible
• Folens.ie: Find Senior Infants Planet Maths and click on resources. Find the activities on number and during this week do the activities on Number 10.
• Planet Maths pg. 93. Write the number sentences to make 10 into your copy.
• Topmarks website. Click on Maths. Find Hit the Button and click on Make 10. Answer the questions as quickly as possible.
Go to folens.ie and click on Abair Liom B
Click on lesson 01. Seán agus Síofra
- Open Comhra. Listen to comhra and try to repeat what they say.
Seán is anim dom.
Síofra is ainm dom.
*Now it’s your turn to say your name in Irish. _______ is ainm dom
- Click on ceisteanna and do this activity.
- Open Postaer and listen to and learn Amhran Ceann Gualainn, Glúin is Cos. Sing it a few times and do the actions with the song.( The words are at the end of the week’s work.
**If you find this difficult to do, try the websites for Irish in my letter before Easter.
• Reading : What a Box- go back over pg. 35. Read pg. 36. New words tell, old ,cannot,recycled. Find the words on pg.36. Read the page together and then your child can read it on their own. Put the new words into sentences. Ask your child questions about the page and find and count the capital letters.
• Zeb and Friends Skills Book pg.67. Find the word that ends with ed on pg. 36 of your reader.
• Phonics: Write a list of words that rhyme with tell e.g. fell
• Phonics:fallons.ie- click on Sounds like Phonics B to practise sounds you have done during the year.
• Handwriting Book- do lower case “v” page.
Spellings ( Read to the Star sheet)
** Early finishers: Write sentences with the new words from your class reader.
• www.topmarks.com is a good website for Maths games and activities.
• Ongoing Maths: Practise writing and adding numbers to 10 as often as possible
• Planet Maths pg. 94.
• Topmarks website. Click on Maths. Find Hit the Button and click on Make 10. Can you beat yesterday’s time?
Open and print pdf for some number 10 activities.
Folens.ie Abair Liom B : Lesson 02. Seán agus Síofra
• Open Comhra- listen to conversation and copy the sentences. Say your name in Irish.
• Open Postaer. Sing Amhran Ceann, Gualainn, Glúin is Cos and do Foclóir 1
• On Postaer click on Cuardach 1.. Click on each child to hear their your Irish sentence. Now it’s your turn to say it.
Dia duit ( hello)
________ is anm dom.
Is maith liom ________. ( I like)
Log onto folens.ie. Open Senior Infants Unlocking SESE ebook
• Go to page 38. Discuss how the rooms have changed
• Ask your parents if your house has changed. Write down some of the ways it has changed . Could you help change your bedroom today?
• Reading What a Box- go back over pg. 36 and new words so far in the story. Read pg. 37. New words:Don’t, when,into,show. Find the new words on pg. 37. Make sentences with the new words. Find and count the capital letters. Ask your child questions about the page. Find the word that rhymes with no
• Handwriting- Capital “V” page
• Phonics: Look Listen and Learn pg. 68. Wh sound
Spellings ( Read to the Star sheet)
** Early finishers- can you find other words in books with the “wh” sound. Make a list of them in your copy.
• www.topmarks.com is a good website for Maths games and activities.
• Ongoing Maths: Practise writing and adding numbers to 10 as often as possible
• Planet Maths pg. 93.
• Topmarks website. Click on Maths. Find Hit the Button and click on Addition within 10. Answer the questions as quickly as possible
Open and print pdf for some number 10 activities. You can do these activities over the next few days if you have time.
Abair Liom B on folens.ie : Lesson 01
• Open Postaer- Click on Cuardach 2. Press play and say the sentences with the children.
Dia duit ( hello)
________ is anm dom.
Is maith liom ________. ( I like)
• Click on Póstaer and Dán . Listen to and learn the poem Suí Sá( the words are at the end of the week’s work)
- Amhrán: Sing Ceann, Gualainn, Glúin is Cos again with the actions
SESE- Log onto folens.ie. Open Senior Infants Unlocking SESE ebook
• Open ebook and go to pg. 39. Discuss the pictures and answer the questions
• Go around the house and make a list of all the things that use electricity.
- Try this experiment: Make Static Electricity
- Blow up a balloon and secure it.
- Tear up small pieces of paper.
- Rub the balloon gently back and forward on your hair about 10 times.
- Hold the balloon close to the pieces of paper.
- What happens?
• Reading: What a Box – read back over pg. 35-37 Write the words on flashcards and ask your child to find the words on the pages .
• Phonics:fallons.ie- click on Sounds like Phonics B to practise sounds you have done during the year.
• Zeb and Friends Skills Book pg.68. Revision of words from the last story. Can you write about a visit to the beach. You can use some of the words from pg. 68 to help you. Don’t forget to draw a picture!
Spellings ( Read to the Star sheet)
- www.topmarks.com is a good website for Maths games and activities.
- Ongoing Maths: Practise writing and adding numbers to 10 as often as possible
- Planet Maths pg. 100
- Topmarks website. Click on Maths. Find Hit the Button and click on Addition within 10. Can you beat yesterday’s time?
Abair Liom B on folens.ie : Lesson 01
- Open Póstaer- click on Póstaer and Cuardach 2. Say sentences again with the children.
________ is anm dom.
Is maith liom ________. ( I like)
- Sing Amhrán : Ceann, Gualainn, Glúin is Cos. Do Foclóir 2
- Play Taispeáin dom ( show me ). Ask your child to point to different parts of the body using the words from the song e.g. Taispeáin dom súil (eye) etc.
- Say the poem(Dán): Suí, Sá
Log onto folens.ie. Open Senior Infants Unlocking SESE ebook
- Open ebook pg. 40. Discuss picture. Identify all the electrical items in the picture.
- In your copy draw someone who keeps your community safe.
• Word Game: Write the words from pg. 35-37 on flashcards. Write a number (1-6) on the back of each flashcard. Throw a dice or call out a number. Your child picks up the flashcard with that number on it. If they know the word they can keep it. If they don’t know it they must put it back. Please help them with the words they have difficulty with.
- Phonics: Read and write the wh words- whip, wheel,when,where,what,who.
- Log onto phonicsplay.co.uk. Click on Buried Treasure or Obb and Bob. Click on phase 5 and find wh sound. Read the wh words and put the words in the correct place
- Zeb and Friends Skills Book pg. 69
- Spelling test. Call out the 5 words for your child to write down
- www.topmarks.com is a good website for Maths games and activities.
- Ongoing Maths: Practise writing and adding numbers to 10 as often as possible
- Folens.ie: Find Senior Infants Planet Maths and click on resources. Find the activities on number and then click on Comparing and Ordering. Find Ordering Link and do some of the ordering games on this link.
- Planet Maths pg. 63 . Ask questions: How many more lollipops than boats? How many more balls than boats? How many more balls than lollipops?
Abair Liom B on folens.ie : Lesson 23
- Open Postaer- sing song and play Taispeáin dom( same as yesterday)
- Say the poem Suí, Sá.
- Say sentences from Cuardach 2.
________ is anm dom.
Is maith liom ________. ( I like)
- Open Póstaer and click on Scéal and listen to the story.
- Play game on Pléasc an Balún
- Draw picture of yourself and write
Visual Arts
• In Spring baby animals are born. Open/print pdf of 2-d chick . Cut, stick and make the chick.
Amhrán: Ceann, Gualainn, Glúin is Cos Poem/Dán: Suí, Sá
Ceann, gualainn,gluin is cos, Suí, sá, in airde san aer
Ceann, gualainn,gluin is cos, Síos arís ag suí ar an bhféar.
Agus súile,cluasa,béal agus srón, Suí, sá in airde sa spéir,
Ceann, gualainn,gluin is cos, Deanaimis é an lá go léir.
(Sing the song 2 times)
Irish words/ phrases to practise.
• Colours: dearg, gorm, buí, glas,oráiste,bán, bán-dearg, corcra, dubh, donn, liath.
Play I spy in Irish- Feicim le mo shúilín rud ______
• Days of the week : Dé Luain, Dé Máirt, Dé Céadaoin, Déardaoin, Dé hAoine, Dé Sathairn, Dé Domhnaigh.
Each day ask your child :Cen lá atá inniu?
Answer: Inniu Dé ____________.
• Weather: Tá an lá fuar. Tá an lá te. Tá an lá fliuch. Tá an lá tirim. Tá an lá scamallach. Tá an lá gaofar.
Ask your child each day: Cén sort lá atá ann?
Answer: Tá an lá __________.
• Numbers to 10 – aon, dó, trí, ceathair, cúig sé, seacht, ocht, naoi, deich.
Count objects in Irish when you are doing Maths or counting forks/knives for dinner.
• Dia duit (hello).
Each day say this to your child. Answer: Dia is Muire duit.
• Conas atá tu? (how are you). Ask your child this each day. Answer: Tá mé go maith go raibh maith agat.
• Go raibh maith agat ( thank you). Get your child to use this as often as possible.
• Más é do thoil é. ( please) Get your child to use this as often as possible.
• Oscail (open). Dún (open). You could ask them to oscail/dún the door/cupboard etc.
• Is maith liom( I like) They could tell you all the things they like using
Is maith liom _______.
** For extra reading if you don’t have suitable books to read at home log onto fallons.ie and find Senior Infant section. Some ebooks for your child to read are
• Ella goes to the Airport
• Globby Helps Out
• Globby’s Football Match
• Pip and Rags- core reader 4
• Magic in the Sky- core reader 5
• Check websites for phonics and rhyming word activities. Go to fallons.ie website and find Sounds like Phonics B to practise sounds you have been doing in school this year. www.phonicsplay.co.uk has games to practise sounds also.
• Continue to practise Read to the Star sheets. Your child could put these words into sentences.
• Twinkl have developed a range of resource packs for each class. Each pack contains fun, challenging and interactive work for your children. So you can visit their website and download and print the pack.

senior_infants_20-4-20.pdf |
29/03/20 - 04/04/20
Dear Parents
I hope this letter finds you and your family well. I know this is a difficult time for you all and I am aware that you want to continue to support your child with their education. On the next few pages are lists of suggested work you could do with your child next week. I understand that everyone’s circumstances are different (time-wise and access to the internet) so help your child to complete as many activities as you can. It is important to complete activities in the workbooks first. All other work should be written into their copies or on sheets of paper which could be stored in a folder for me to look at when next we meet.
You may need to buy some copies and a folder/scrapbook.
Some of their work involves logging onto some websites. Hopefully you will be able to do that but I understand if that is not possible.
The websites you will need to access the most are(both websites are offering free access to parents at the moment)
- folens.ie ( for English, Maths and SESE).
- fallons.ie ( for English)
Other websites that are useful areIRLTWINKLHELPS:https://www.twinkl.ie/offer
- operation maths edco online- click on your class for Maths and English activities
- www.twinkl.ie ( It is offering free subscription to parents in light of the school closure. This is a great website for extra worksheets and art/craft activities if you have access to a printer.) To sign up use the code
It is important to establish a daily routine for your child regarding their school work .Breaks need to be factored in between written activities so it is important to encourage your child to do lots of other activities which are not school work based .
- librariesireland- join the library online. Log into @BorrowBox to download ebooks and audio books.
- www.oxfordowl.co- good website for reading.You will have to register to gain access to the ebooks.
- www.familylearning.org.uk/phonics- links to phonics games.
- www.starfall.com- lots of games and reading activities based on abc’s and simple words( Learn to read)
- www.communication4all.co.uk-Jolly phonics cards for matching, lotto game, letter formation worksheets.
- www.topmarks.co.uk- quality resources,click on early years
- Cula4.com and seomra ranga for Irish
- Facebook.com/futafata for Irish-at 11 a.m each day.
- Padlet.com for Junior and Senior Infant activities
- www.phonicsplay.co.uk
- www.iamanartist.ie and Pinterest for art ideas
- Cosmic yoga and gonoodle for physical activities. Joe Wicks (body coach) is doing a daily workout www.youtube.com
- Askaboutireland( History, Geography and Science activities)
- Music www.singup.org/home-schooling.
- RTEHomeSchool is launching a daily virtual classroom for Primary school children on RTE2 from 11am.
Ongoing activities which you can include each day.I know it will be hard to juggle everything during these difficult weeks but doing some school work each day and keeping a routine while having time to play in and outdoors will be very important for your child. If you have any questions regarding any of the work please contact me using the email [email protected]
- Kicking/throwing/rolling a ball
- Hopscotch
- Twister (if you have it)
- Play Simon Says
- Read to your child and ask them questions about the books. Encourage your child to read a variety of books
- board games
- puzzles
- construction-lego, blocks etc.
- Action poems from website topmarks.com
- cooking/baking
- gardening
- free writing- writing without any help.Write simple sentences.
- Shopping lists
- Continue to cut, paste colour, draw, play with playdough. (If you don’t have playdough I have included a recipe which you can make with your child
- dot-to-dots, mazes, stencils
- nature walks
Kind regards and happy Easter
Nora Perkins
Recipe –Play dough
Sift dry ingredients. Mix liquids and add colouring if desired. Pour dry ingredients into liquid mixture. Cook over low to moderate heat, stirring constantly until thickened mixture begins to loosen from sides of the pan. Knead. Cool. Store in a plastic bag or sealed airtight container.
Senior Infants
** Remember this is a list of suggested activities. Do as much as you can each day. Don’t forget to have time to play in the Spring weather.
Monday 30/3/20
Go to folens.ie and click on Abair Liom B
Click on lesson 23 An Chaisc
Religion for the week is The Easter story. Visit the Veritas Grow in Love website . Click on Junior Infants and find Holy Week and Easter. Look at the videos of the Easter story.You could encourage your child to write about the story and draw pictures. If you can’t access Veritas go to twinkl.com for the Easter story or maybe you have a children’s bible where you can read the story together.
Folens.ie Abair Liom B : Lesson 23
Log onto folens.ie. Open Senior Infants Unlocking SESE ebook
Folens.ie Planet Maths – activity on clocks
• www.topmarks.com is a good website for Maths games and activities.
Abair Liom B on folens.ie : Lesson 23
SESE- History
Log onto folens.ie. Open Senior Infants Unlocking SESE ebook
Abair Liom B on folens.ie : Lesson 23
SESE- Science
Log onto folens.ie. Open Senior Infants Unlocking SESE ebook
Abair Liom B on folens.ie : Lesson 23
Visual Arts
** For extra reading if you don’t have suitable books to read at home log onto fallons.ie and find Senior Infant section. Some ebooks for your child to read are
- 1 ½ cups flour
- ¾ cup salt
- 1 ½ tablespoons vegetable oil
- Food colouring ( optional)
Sift dry ingredients. Mix liquids and add colouring if desired. Pour dry ingredients into liquid mixture. Cook over low to moderate heat, stirring constantly until thickened mixture begins to loosen from sides of the pan. Knead. Cool. Store in a plastic bag or sealed airtight container.
Senior Infants
** Remember this is a list of suggested activities. Do as much as you can each day. Don’t forget to have time to play in the Spring weather.
Monday 30/3/20
- Reading: What a Box pg.30. New word “gate”. Find the word on the page and make a sentence with it. Read the page a few times. Ask your child questions about the page. Count all the full stops. What capital letters can you find?
- Phonics; Look Listen and Learn pg. 26 . Challenge :write words that rhyme with” gate” e.g. date
- www.phonicsplay.co.uk is a good website to practise cvc words and the sounds your child has been learning during the year- sh, th, ch, ai, oa,ee,ue,ie,oi oo. Please practise these sounds/words as often as possible.
- Phonics:fallons.ie- click on Sounds like Phonics B to practise sounds you have done during the year.
- Zeb and Friends Skills Book pg. 64.
- www.topmarks.com is a good website for Maths games and activities.
- Ongoing Maths: Practise writing and adding numbers to 10 as often as possible
- Planet Maths pg. 85. In your copy write the days of the week.
- Go to folens.ie. Log onto Planet Maths Senior Infants. Click on Strand and find Measures, then click on Topic and find Time. Do the activities on the Days of the week.
- Diary for a Week: Each day this week in your copy write the day, draw a picture of something you did today and write a sentence under it.
Go to folens.ie and click on Abair Liom B
Click on lesson 23 An Chaisc
- Open Comhra. Listen to comhra and try to repeat what they say. Click on ceisteanna and do this activity.
- Open Postaer and listen to and learn Amhran Cuig hUibhe. Sing it a few times.
- If you find this difficult to do, try the websites for Irish in my letter.
Religion for the week is The Easter story. Visit the Veritas Grow in Love website . Click on Junior Infants and find Holy Week and Easter. Look at the videos of the Easter story.You could encourage your child to write about the story and draw pictures. If you can’t access Veritas go to twinkl.com for the Easter story or maybe you have a children’s bible where you can read the story together.
- Reading : What a Box- go back over pg. 30. Read pg. 31. New word “bus”. Find it on pg.31. Count all the bus words on the page. Ask your child to find the “? “Can you make a question to ask your parent about this page?
- Zeb and Friends Skills Book pg.65
- Phonics: Write a list of words that rhyme with “big”.
- Phonics:fallons.ie- click on Sounds like Phonics B to practise sounds you have done during the year.
- Handwriting Book- do lower case “w” page.
- www.topmarks.com is a good website for Maths games and activities.
- Ongoing Maths: Practise writing and adding numbers to 10 as often as possible
- Folens.ie Planet Maths- go back over Days of the week activities.
- Planet Maths pg. 86. Clocks –Explain long/short hand and minute/hour hands.
- Can you help your child to make their own clock.
- Tuesday diary (day/picture/sentence)
Folens.ie Abair Liom B : Lesson 23
- Open Comhra- listen to conversation and copy the sentences.
- Open Postaer. Sing Amhran Cuig hUibhe.
- On Postaer click on Focloir 1. Repeat this activity a few times so your child can learn the new words.
Log onto folens.ie. Open Senior Infants Unlocking SESE ebook
- Go to page 21. Look at different homes. Discuss differences.
- Go to pg. 22 and do the activities in your copy. Draw your house.
- Reading What a Box- go back over pg. 31. Read pg. 32. New words- beach, laughed, Our,Yippee. Find the new words on pg. 32. Make sentences with the new words.
- Handwriting- Capital “W” page
- Phonics: Look Listen and Learn pg. 67. Sh sound
Folens.ie Planet Maths – activity on clocks
• www.topmarks.com is a good website for Maths games and activities.
- Ongoing Maths: Practise writing and adding numbers to 10 as often as possible
- Planet Maths pg. 87. Discuss what they are doing in the pictures.
- Wednesday Diary
- If you made a clock yesterday ask your child to show you different times on the clock e.g. 6 o clock etc.
Abair Liom B on folens.ie : Lesson 23
- Open Postaer- Click on Dan An Coinin Casca. Say it a few times with your child.
- Click on Focloir 2. Do this activity a few times so your child can learn the new words.
SESE- History
Log onto folens.ie. Open Senior Infants Unlocking SESE ebook
- Open ebook and go to pg. 23. Discuss differences between old and new buidings.
- Use lego or blocks to make your own house. If you can take a photo of it and stick it into your copy.
- Reading: What a Box – read all of the story The Club House together.
- Word Game:Write the words from pg. 18 on flashcards. Write a number (1-6) on the back of each flashcard. Throw a dice or call out a number. Your child picks up the flashcard with that number on it. If they know the word they can keep it. If they don’t know it they must put it back. Please help them with the words they have difficulty with.
- Phonics:fallons.ie- click on Sounds like Phonics B to practise sounds you have done during the year.
- Zeb and Friends Skills Book pg.66. Make sentences in your copy with the new words e.g playing (revise –ng sound)
- www.topmarks.com is a good website for Maths games and activities.
- Look back at Planet Maths pg. 87. Discuss things you do in the morning/afternoon, evening/night. Divide a page in your copy into 4 boxes. Draw what you do in the morning/afternoon, evening/night . Label the pictures with these words.
- If you made a clock practise the time- o clock only.
- Thursday Diary
Abair Liom B on folens.ie : Lesson 23
- Open Postaer- say Dan An Coinin Casca and sing Amhran Cuig hUibhe
- Listen to Sceal and revise Focloir 1 and 2
SESE- Science
Log onto folens.ie. Open Senior Infants Unlocking SESE ebook
- Open ebook pg. 24. Discuss pictures of people caring for their locality. In your copy draw a picture of you taking care of your local area. Help your parents to take care of your house/garden.
- Reading:Play dice/flashcard word game again. Check your child knows all the words on pg. 18.
- Phonics: Read and write the sh words- shell, shop, shut, shed, ship, fish, wish, push, mash
- www.topmarks.com is a good website for Maths games and activities.
- Ongoing Maths: Practise writing and adding numbers to 10 as often as possible
- Folens.ie Planet Maths Senior Infants- go back over the days and clock activities.
- Do seasons activity on folens.ie. Discuss seasons on pg.84 in Planet Maths. Find the picture of the season we have now- Spring. Go outside and look for signs of Spring. Draw the signs of Spring in your copy or take photos of them.
- Friday Diary
Abair Liom B on folens.ie : Lesson 23
- Open Postaer- say Dan An Coinin Casca and sing Amhran Cuig hUibhe.
- Open Cartai Meaitseala and play matching game.
- Draw a picture of An Coinin Casca (Easter Rabbit) and write the words under the picture.
Visual Arts
- Go to twinkl .ie:Type in Easter cards and print off an Easter card for your child to colour. Write a message inside. If you can’t print off the card draw your own Easter picture on the card.
** For extra reading if you don’t have suitable books to read at home log onto fallons.ie and find Senior Infant section. Some ebooks for your child to read are
- Ella goes to the Airport
- Globby Helps Out
- Globby’s Football Match
- Pip and Rags- core reader 4
- Magic in the Sky- core reader 5
- Check websites for phonics and rhyming word activities. Go to fallons.ie website and find Sounds like Phonics B to practise sounds you have been doing in school this year. www.phonicsplay.co.uk has games to practise sounds also.
- Continue to practise Read to the Star sheets. Your child could put these words into sentences.
- Twinkl have developed a range of resource packs for each class. Each pack contains fun, challenging and interactive work for your children. So you can visit their website and download and print the pack.

senior infant activities download |